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So. AZ forest may be closed!

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Guest Ernesto C

I just hope something good comes out of this (the minute man group). Remember that not all the people the cross our borders(illegally) are illegals,some of them are looking for work,some of them are "coyotes" and the worst ones are the drug trafickers so the last two groups don't care if and individual belongs to the border patrol,minute man group or some other group;they are armed!!


So I just hope this minute man group do not get any type of confrontation with drug dealers that are armed,there may be some tragic consecuences;I hope they understand that and I hope they also understand that they should leave that job to the professionals. I hope nobody gets harm.............Blessings.


Ernesto C.

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I don't think the farmers are putting pressure on anyone, but they do hire the illegals and so do a lot of other companies and the reason they do is because they can't find any americans to do the work and if they did we would pay outragous prices for many produce goods. I think we need a lot more border patrol agents and give them the tools they need to maintain our borders. The majority of the illegals that come across are looking for work, but they still make a mess as they cross. I think most of them could get work visas and cross legally if they only knew how. That would also indicate to the border patrol that the majority of the people thay would run into along the border would be the drug runners or worse and they could deal with them accordingly. The minutemen group will hopefully open some more eyes as to how much of a problem it is and I hope as Ernesto stated that they stay safe and don't run into a group that could hurt anybody.

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you say, "I hope they also understand that they should leave that job to the professionals."


Isn't that what we have been doing for the past decade? Isn't it the professionsals who are only catching 1 illegal for every 3 that cross? How did the 10 to 20 million illegals get here? Well,....They walked right past the professionals to get here....




Come on down for the rally in Naco on April 2nd and show your support for securing our border.

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This commetn from a previous post puzzles me

"Remember that not all the people the cross our borders(illegally) are illegals,"

As Christians we should know that we are directed to respect God's law and that of Man.


As I see it, Illegal IS Illegal. The libs give the illegals protection with terms like "undocumeted immigrants" and just plain "immigrants". We have heard all the arguments about how the majority of illegals come here trying to earn a living for their families betterment or how life is a hardship in mexico and they deserve better. Little discussion about the Drug trafficers, criminals, coyotes and even terrorists who do the same. These BAD guys are Lost in the flood of regular illegals.


If we use the Betterment and hardship justification, and a guy goes out and robs a bank, But does it for the betterment of his family and because his life is a hardship, then that is acceptable too? I think not.


Now lots of folks say that is not the same, but Yes, it is the same thing. If anyone tried to sneak into mexico and was caught, there would be no pity and that person would be in a prison for life rotting away. Mexico and lots of latin america are social and economic 3rd world countries and too many of thier citizens have no way of getting ahead in thier own county. But that should not create an obligation for the US to help every one that comes here illegally to get ahead.


Fair is fair, Illegal is Illegal. Talk about guest worker programs, and how it will fix the problem. Well The only way I can support a guest worker program is for ALL of the illegals to go back home, and apply with the rest of the eople who want to come here. No favoritism for those who have broke the law and want to stay.


Seeing the changes in AZ over the past 40+ years I have a strong opinon on the topic. Sorry to vent butas Walter Cronkite said that's the way it is.

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as slick willy said, "It all depends on what the definition of IS is"


Good Lord, what is this country coming to......




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but they do hire the illegals and so do a lot of other companies and the reason they do is because they can't find any americans to do the work and if they did we would pay outragous prices for many produce goods.


Let see ... do I as a small buisnessman have an issue with that statement ... Yes I do.


I am required by law to pay at least a certain wage and provide workmans comp for my employees. This reqirement (by law) has a lot to do with what I have to charge for my product. I would love to be able to hire an 'illeagle' so I could get around all that is required by law so I could market a lower dollar hunt and net more money.


Just beacuse the college kids don't come up and work the fish canneries up here like they used to and now the fish companies have to use Mexican labor to fill the ranks on the 'slim line' dosen't mean they pay that labor force bottom dollar and skirt the other labor laws. By the way the Fed enforcement checks regularly the Mexican work force up here and there is very few 'illeagle' workers.


If you don't think 'W" and big AG (and big Oil) are in bed together .... HELLO

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Heres a problem that these companies in AZ have to deal with, when a person applies for a job that pays minimum wage and has all the legal documents needed to be hired most companies are going to hire them, the fact that they can't speak english doesn't give the company the right to deny them employment or they might get sued, if tax records were checked there are probably some people out there with 10+ jobs because his or her identity is being used by multiple people, it definitely isn't right but I would almost guarantee that is how they get hired. The other problem is that they will work for minimum wage, most americans won't do those jobs for that pay, heck the kids nowdays think they should be hired making the top pay for the least work. It is a serious problem that needs to be fixed and I don't have the answer to that, and blaming Bush for something that has been going on for decades is wrong.

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Guest Ernesto C

azhunterswhocare,a man can only do so much.Do you think that the BP agents are waisting their time there? Thay can only do so much,they are short handed,they do not have enough man power to cover the whole border..Why?? well that's another story.

If you give them 500,000 or more people,equiptment and the $$$$ to run the whole operation they will do a lot better and will improve significantly;if 10 or 20 million cross well lets put 40 million BP agents at the border,sounds easy isn't?


I just was trying to say that something good comes out of this,what do I mean? I mean that I hope our governors,the president the Feds etc etc. they see what is going on and try to come up with solution(s) and put the best ones to work.

All I was trying to say is that I hope nobody gets hurt or the worst case scenario get kill.


Az4life,I see what you are saying but I did not make my self clear. What I meant was that for example: if 100 people cross the border 80 will be illegals that the only thing on their mind is to find a job,they are not looking for problems.10 will be "coyotes" which are dangerous and the other 10 will be drug dealers which are even more dangeruos so that's what I was trying to say that not all the people that cross are dangerous people but you are right they are still illegals. I just hope that the guys from minute man do not get hurt.


muskeg, here in Az. and in California I can take you to places that hire illegals to work in the fields,90% of the people that work for this companies are illegals,the other 10% are the owners,managers,secretaries etc etc.


Lord, please bless the people from America.....but America please bless/praise the Lord.


Ernesto C.

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the fact is we have illegals here ONLY because our goverment wants them here. we can stop them if wanted. we also do have the resourses to build a wall if needed. Just use the border patrol as supervisors and the illegals as laborers. It would be much cheaper than paying for and increasing the number of agents. by the way I really don't have a problem with them comming to work and live here. they serve a purpose and are probable vital to what is left of our economy. at least this goes for 98% of the illegals.

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Thursday, March 31, 2005 9:37 a.m. EST

Mexican Military on Standby in Response to Minutemen


Mexico's President Vicente Fox is preparing to respond militarily to a group of U.S volunteers who plan to patrol the U.S.-Mexican border starting tomorrow, positioning more than a thousand troops nearby, according to an Arizona TV station.


"The Mexican military is on standby," reports NBC's Tucson affiliate KVOA. "One unit has about a thousand soldiers. They're located just across the border."


Over the last week spokesmen for the border patrol volunteers, who dub themselves Minutemen, have said they will not attempt to detain Mexican illegals, but rather report them to the Border Patrol and track them till they're apprehended.

Despite the assurances, Mexican officials met with the mayor of Douglas, Ariz., on Tuesday to discuss how they will handle potential violence, KVOA said.


Last week President Fox warned at a Mexico City press conference:


"We totally reject the idea of these migrant-hunting groups. We will use the law, international law and even U.S. law to make sure these types of groups, which are a minority, will not have any opportunity to progress."



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I am curious to know what the mexican milatary is doing down there, if they crossed the border I think that would be an act of war and that would be a huge problem for them, then again they might just want to come over here too.

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There have actually been cases where the Mex Military have crossd the border and come as far north as Casa grande in th epast few years. Those stories were supposedly verified and corroborated but none of them were ever caught. They were reportedly chasing or runig cover for illegal drug smugglers. It was kept our of the media (covered up) but as with most coverups some info leaked out! Covered up as a illegal alien (PC correct would be Undocumented immigrant) trafficking accident but witnesses have said otherwise.


Vincente Fox can Stuff his corrupt military and Policia where the sun don't shine. that jerk is a Taker and he never will be anything else. He has no right to complain about what happens to any of his people as long as they are on the US side of the border illegally. I am more worried for the Minutemen to be the ones being shot at. If that happens, It will turn loose a firestorm of US citizen re-action that will make a thousand minutemen look like a welcoming committee.

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