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Ray Stevens

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That is Halarious - been a fan of Ray Stevens since I was my kids' age - love Ahab the Arab, Guitarazn, The Streak, the Mississippi Squirel Revival, man lots of old road trip sing-alongs from a battery powered cassette playdeck on sweaty vinyl seats with no seatbelts and only windows down for A/C, 97 degrees and 97% humidity (nowadays "feels like" 108 degrees) on the way to a swimming/fishing hole on the Illinoise River below boyscout camp Fred Darby... Anyone out there know what I'm talking about? Any Cherokee, Okie backwoods hillbillies from way down in the "other" midwest, there ever visit this board? LOL. BTW, I have learned recently that people from Wisconson and Michigan, don't consider themselves "back east" - and some actually take offense - LOL.


Man, I love AZ, not to get too sentimental or serious, but it's been decades now since I last smelled Spring in the heartland as a relatively innocent boy, smelling the fermenting oak leaves and blossoming dogwoods, the sign that summer vacation, filled with fireworks, fishing, snake grabbing, all those childish wonders, were just days away. I sure do miss and cherish those hot, humid days, and warm blissful nights.

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Ned Nostril, The Brick Layer's Song, Its me again Margaret and The Pirate song were some of my favorites. Used to listen to them while dad and I were on our way out to hunt or cut wood....



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