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The Claw

Two NM speed goats for friends

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Well the season has begun. Had a chance to hunt NM for speed goats with my good friend Matt Woodward of Borderland Adventures (CW sponsor). I have another friend of mine from school, Tyler Robison, whose wife has been bugging him that he needs to get a hobby ;) and so he has wanted to give hunting a try. I felt like this NM antelope hunt would be the perfect first hunt. In addition to that we each decided to take one of our boys to increase the fun and of course to get them out of Mom's hair for the weekend. Tyler had never shot hunting rifles before so we took a half day and I had him shooting balloons out in the desert at various yardages off The Claw. After that trip I felt much better as Tyler was a natural shot, not missing a one.


The next weekend was the hunt and we set out for the long drive to central NM. Matt had gone a couple days early to scout. This ranch had some good genetics in the past but the rancher gave warning that not only was the quality the worst he had seen in 15+ years on his ranch but the numbers were way down as well. Matt did manage to locate a buck that he figured in the low 80's but he was the only buck at that 80" mark and unfortunately he lived in the thick juniper section of the ranch. Killing him would be tough especially with it only being a two day hunt.


We located a buck we felt was a great buck and especially first big game animal for Tyler the night before the hunt and wanted to get Tyler on it first thing in the morning. Fortunately, at first light Saturday morning I glassed the buck and his does up and Matt and I made a stalking plan that would get us slightly above the herd with the wind in our face. Not only did the stalk work perfectly but the herd decided to turn around and walk our direction. I quickly got Tyler set up on The Claw and we waited. The boys were beside themselves waiting for the moment. The does appeared on the horizon and angled by us. The buck was not far behind. 275 yards. I made sure Tyler was calm and asked him if he was on the buck. He said he had the crosshairs right where we had instructed him the night before. He was able to maintain the crosshairs there as they walked. When the buck got to 200 yards Matt stopped the buck and Tyler made the shot followed by the unmistakable "whop". It was funny because being Tyler's first hunt he instantly said "He is getting away, what do I do". I told Tyler, don't worry he isn't going anywhere, you drilled that buck absolutely perfectly. The buck ran 20 yards and flopped over. I was very impressed by Tyler's shot placement, right in the crease as if he had done it a million times. Fortunately, we were able to film the whole event as our 7 year old boys jumped around and hooted and hollered. You should have seen all their joyful smiles.



We headed back to the bunkhouse and took care of Tyler's buck, ate some lunch and let the boys shoot their airguns.



The plan was to let some of the other bucks from the surrounding ranches work their way on to our ranch after the shooting started. Well, that never happened. So I decided to go try and shoot that big buck in the junipers. Long story short that buck which Matt had named "Oncho" because of his wide set. Well, long story short this buck eluded us for the rest of Saturday and the first part of Sunday. Not only did the hunt end Sunday but we both had to be back at work Monday morning with an 8 hour drive to get home. I thought no prob, I'll just go shoot one of the lesser bucks and real quick and we can head out. Well, not only did no other bucks move on the ranch but there were only 6-8 bucks on the ranch total. With 4 of the bucks being shot by other hunters already we could not even locate another antelope by the time we moved out of the Junipers. With it being 2PM and Tyler being nervous about getting back late I decided to head back to the bunkhouse and get packed up. I had Matt glassing for some more goats from the bunkhouse which actually was the best vantage point on the ranch with no luck. We were saying our goodbyes as Matt was staying in NM to guide an elk hunter when I decided to peek through the glass one last time, not believing I was going to go home empty handed.


Luck was on my side as I managed to locate what looked like two antelope in the trees again, 3 miles away (I really hated those trees by now!). Not seeing a buck with them at that distance I decided to drive closer and have Matt signal me in. I was able to move in to 350 yards when the does I had glassed up stepped out into an opening. No buck. I watched the two does for a couple minutes with no other antelope appearing. With the wind good, I was prepared to wait until I knew for sure there were no other goats around. Tyler and the two boys were in the truck a mile away and with each second passing I was feeling nervous that we should get on the road. Just then, a buck ran out of the trees after those does but then back behind some more trees. I snapped into the tripod and waited. Just then the buck walked back out and as he turned to go back into the trees I was already tracking him. he was slowly walking and I had all the confidence in the world making that shot as I put the crosshair on the front of his chest with the MOA's already dialed in. Squeeze, boom, whop. At the recoil I quickly got back on where he would be with nothing to look at. All a sudden 5 antelope ran out of the trees. Fortunately no buck with them. Made the walk over and my last second antelope was proudly waiting for me. I went back and got the clan. Walking up to my antelope with my son all excited was a feeling I look forward to having many more times in the future. My 10 year old has 3 tags this fall so I am beaming with excitement.


Well, 8 hours later, a couple Rockstars, and a near close encounter with a "Road Elk" and we finally made it home at 2:30 in the morning only to wake up for work at 5 AM. Only one thing would cause us to torture ourselves like that..........hunting!






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Great story Cade! How wonderful that those boys could be out there on the hunt. Congratulations to Tyler on his first big game and way to make it happen at the last minute on your buck.

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Awesome story Cade on some very nice bucks! Congrats to you and Tyler and also to your son with the tags. Sounds like it should be an exciting fall, can't wait to see the pictures and read the stories!

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Great job, great story. Congrats to you and the hunters...........great to take a new hunter and kids into the field..............Allen Taylor..............P.S. are you Eric Frosts friend??????????..............

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Thanks guys. It ended up being much more nerve racking than I anticipated but I was very grateful that we could come home with two bucks. Nothing better than hunting with friends in my opinion. Allen, that name sounds familiar but can't say I know him off hand. Congrats to you on your great bucks earlier on, by the way.


Best of luck to everyone as the season gets kicked in to high gear shortly.

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