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This year has been a great year ! All tags are full and now its just a waiting game until Jan. I got this buck on the 5th day of the hunt which was Tuesday Oct. 26th. I named a buck last year Joker because of his abnormalities in his left antler. His left side was a single beam that traveled town towards his nose 3 to 4 inches and then curled upward with about 2 or 3 inches of verticle curl. His right side was about a 7 inch main beam that had a baby 2 inch fork. One question is could he have grown this much in one year? I am more than grateful that I was able to harvest such a nice buck. Here is the big question how should I measure the left antler? Which point would be considered the main beam? Give me your input as far as measurements. G 2's? G 3's? Which is which? Thanks a lot.

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Nice buck and very unique, thanks for sharing.


anyone else think that body, neck and head are HUGE? :blink:

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Very cool buck, BUT I doubt its the one you saw last year. Thats ALOT of horn to put on in one year... Maybe its his daddy and he still lives?



Congrats on a freak! I would be tickled to someday take a buck like that!

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Gonna dissagree with Casey here. I've seen deer put on crazy amounts of antler in a year, and this year has been a great one for horn growth. Who knows for sure, just saying I think it's possible. Plus, it's fun to dissagree with Casey ;). Really cool buck man, congrats.

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Thank everyone I appreciate it!! Suggestions on left antler measurement? Mass measurements? G2's 3's? . . . . Not what you think it measures but how you would measure. Whats what? Thanks!

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Gonna dissagree with Casey here. I've seen deer put on crazy amounts of antler in a year, and this year has been a great one for horn growth. Who knows for sure, just saying I think it's possible. Plus, it's fun to dissagree with Casey ;). Really cool buck man, congrats.



+1 It could be the same buck.



As for measuring that antler, I would call the part of the antler that comes forward and curves to be the main beam. And it looks like most all the other tines would be non-typical points. Its a little hard to tell if perhaps that first point could be called a g-1, but probably not. If not, then there are no typical points on the main beam and all your 4 mass measurements would come at the same point 1/2 way between the base the tip of the main beam.




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Thanks for the thoughts Amanda. About his age I would personally guess him at maybe 4 years old +/- . Has all of his teeth and are not worn at all. Still sharp. I think this would have been his first year of maturity. He did have a heck of a lot of fat on him though. I was very surprised. Maybe it was because I just shot an antelope in sept. and he was like a skeleton. Im still in shock and super pumped about how unique he is. . All I have to do for the whitetail now is bleach and whiten the skull. Lookin good though. Thanks ALL

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