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Does anyone know how to get a company to sponser you. For instance how do you convince Easton or P.S.E. to pay your way to hunt? We all see the guys & gals living the dream. How do you get on Realtree's team?

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Now that is the $64,000.00 question. Seems to me that they sponsor the guys that do not need the sponsoring. If you have the resources, you probably are a candidate.

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Most of it is from the adds they run on the videos that are put out. so make some good videos and send them out to the guys that sell the stuff. And if you are good enough they just might help you out. All they care about is you just getting big game and saying you used there equipment to do it.(even if you don't use it.) :)

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I have a friend of a friend that lives here in NE Oklahoma that writes for bowhunting magazine, hunts via sponsorship on just about everything, and gets to do it 6 months out of the year. :) Yeah I guess he is probably a pretty danged good bowhunter,- but I'm with az4life. Resources, i.e. "It's not what you know, but who you know :) " is probably the best chance for finding the proverbial pot o' gold.

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i tried to get sponsers for a huntin' show. only one's that'd pony up was depends, geritol, aarp and polygrip. Lark.

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i tried to get sponsers for a huntin' show.  only one's that'd pony up was depends, geritol, aarp and polygrip.  Lark.


Quit trying to poach my sponsors, Lark. The Old Fart demographics are mine. I got there first.



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You can get sponsors if you kill a monster elk, deer etc. and take individual pic's with all your gear then start asskissing the product owners. It would help if you are already known in your community and stand a good chance of killing another monster animal as well. Or you, as mentioned earlier, put together a video, it has to be dang good, and then take a demo to all the shows and/or product makers and do alot more asskissing! I have a buddy that killed a world record with his bow, and he didn't get any sponsors but he wasn't after any either, he did get some free stuff though because products were in pictures that were published. To get sponsors, your sponsors are going to want something in return, ADVERTISING! They want to know how you are going to accomplish that ie; killing monster animals on a regular basis or better yet producing good video's. Good luck, JIM

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Thanks for the help guys. I met a couple guys last elk season here in Utah that borrowed several thousand dollars to purchase quality elk tags & produce a hunting video hoping to make a bundle. When I talked with them they had not even broke even yet. Now whether they were up front with me or just trying to keep me out of the buisness is anyone's guess. But I am sure there are more that do not make it than those that do.

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Thanks for the help guys. I met a couple guys last elk season here in Utah that borrowed several thousand dollars to purchase quality elk tags & produce a hunting video hoping to make a bundle. When I talked with them they had not even broke even yet. Now whether they were up front with me or just trying to keep me out of the buisness is anyone's guess. But I am sure there are more that do not make it than those that do.


I don't know a thing about the video business but I suspect it's a lot like the publishing business, which I do know. Anyone can hire a printing company to print their book, magazine or newspaper, but selling enough of them (as well as the advertising in them) to make the venture profitable is something else.


It makes me wonder what gave the guys who bought those "quality elk tags" the ego to think they knew enough about financing, script writing, photography, inserting background music, editing, manufacturing, packaging and marketing, to make money?


Without a successful marketing and distribution plan, it doesn't matter how good his product might be, a publisher is going to lose money. The same thing undoubtedly is true with videos.


If they didn't have extensive experience in those fields they were doomed from the start, especially if they had to borrow money just to buy the licenses.



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yeah, but what greater premise is there to get your wife to go along with getting a loan to buy hunting tags! " Honey we are going to make a hunting video and we have to have the tags, It is a business expense baby!" I need to try that on my wife! :lol: AG

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Video the next world record coues buck this next July-Aug and viedeo yourself with a valid AZ tag for it. You will get sponsors.


(just don't shoot it before the opener :lol: )

[wonder who here can remember that one?]

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Video the next world record coues buck this next July-Aug and viedeo yourself with a valid AZ tag for it.  You will get sponsors. (just don't shoot it before the opener :lol: ) [wonder who here can remember that one?]


I remember that one. He claims -- and I believe -- that it was taken legally.



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if i had my own show, i don't think i could keep a straight face whilst the tape was runnin'. most o' these guys on these shows are worse than nascar drivers after they win a race. the bullet barely hits the animal and they have their big dumb gap toothed face in the camera goin' "well, i'd like tuh thank primos calls, remin'ton, barnes' boolits, real tree hardwood extreme sneako sint lock camo, the block targits, merle norman camo paint makeup, supercuts mullet specialists, fart silencer, fartsintlock depends adult diapers, polygrip, dubba bool blands, the hog hunter magazine an' wait, wait, i gotta take a breath. ok, ok, an' whackem and stackem broadheads, 'laska knifes, burris scopes, tink's bullwidgeon in heat aftershave and jimbo's barbecue". i'd start laughin' by the time i got to supercuts. Lark.

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