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Buck Smasher

Are You Crazy Enough To Run After A Mt. Lion ;)

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Just wondering if any of you out there are crazy? haha Feel free to share any insane stories or crazy things you have done out in the wilderness!! Should be some awesome stories to read.

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Running after a mountain lion is not a symptom of craziness. It's when someone is compelled to bark when running that he needs to worry.


Bill Quimby

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Running after a mountain lion is not a symptom of craziness. It's when someone is compelled to bark when running that he needs to worry.


Bill Quimby




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I once ran down a rabbit... I saw it and sprinted towards it- it didn't think I saw it, I ended up running clean over it without the rabbit even moving. It got the point afterwards and ran off. I also have put a heck of a stalk on a flock of Flambeau Ducks someone left on a stock tank... I was only partially embarassed.

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I kicked up a group of javelina and they had some babies. I froze and then made a " waw woooofff " sound. I heard it will irritate the javelina who is the leader. Sure enough the lead javelina turned around and ran towards me and stopped about five feet in front of me trying to figure out where the noise came from haha. I have also heard javelina bark like dogs before. My father was with me and was like what in the world!

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Years ago, my wife and her guide chased one on the white mtn 'rez. It was elk season, and she had a cow elk tag. For $1 she was able to purchase a lion tag. We were driving a mountain rode and there up on the ridge was a huge lion. Looked like it was stalking something. They jumped out of the vehicle and chased the lion with rifle in hand. By the time they got up to where the lion was perched it was long gone.

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I chased down a bear in my underwear while barking... it climbed the tree right next to the truck. This was after I was awoken at 5am to the breathing sound of a bear 10' from my sleeping bag. Need I say, he woke up the wrong dude....

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I chased down a bear in my underwear while barking... it climbed the tree right next to the truck. This was after I was awoken at 5am to the breathing sound of a bear 10' from my sleeping bag. Need I say, he woke up the wrong dude....

Haha dang! That would be frightening.

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I chased down a bear in my underwear while barking... it climbed the tree right next to the truck. This was after I was awoken at 5am to the breathing sound of a bear 10' from my sleeping bag. Need I say, he woke up the wrong dude....

Haha dang! That would be frightening.




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A friend of mind told me f you every see a "smaller" bear run directly at it and you will tree it. After a shortened bear calling expedition after work with my wife in 2009 and Me not being an expert at judging bears saw a fully mature colored phased one on the side of the road. I grab my bow and start walking towards it when it starts running. I immediately remember what my friend said and start running at the fleeing bear. What my friend did not tell me was what to do when it stops and your still running. I managed to hit the breaks (hard) with bear looking at me wondering what I was doing and put an arrow through her at less than 25 yards. That feeling that I immediately felt was somewhere between pure adreline and pure stupidity. I look forward to feeling that emotion again.

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This has nothing to do with a hunting story but it fits anyways. I was riding my bike cycle across the reservation a long time ago while heading to criminal science class at SCC. As I approached Thomas road going north on Alma School rd a pack of dogs came from a house charging at me snapping and snarling their teeth, growling and barking as they chased me. I started to pedal away as fast as I could and was making ground on them when my hat blew off my head. Well it was my favorite hat so I hit the brakes jumped off the bike and as loud as I could started growling, screaming and running towards them with my hands in the air. They turned away and ran from me as I leaned over and picked up my hat.

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Chased my Bull Moose not fun...they just want to gore you with antlers and grind you into the mud..Had about 5 yotes in Prescott come into camp one night while I was with my wife they wouldn't leave us alone so I chased one off with a stick screamn my head off. Didn't work they regrouped and came back into camp getting really really close. My wife was screaming and scared so we jumped in the truck and went to start it up wouldn't turn over. I had to get out and reconnect the loose battery cable in the dark while listening to them run around me yelping. Once I got the truck going my wife wouldn't leave it so we slept in it all night. In the morning none of the food was touched except all the peanut butter cookies her mom made us were gone. It was a very strange evening I've never seen a yote or pack of yotes that aggressive towards humans usually when I see them they are running from me. The next day we got caught by a game and fish dept messn around in the back of the truck so I was to embarrassed to strike up a conversation with him about the night we had:-)

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