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New to calling

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Just bought a savage .223 and decided to try calling coyotes! I have been out 4 different morning and evenings I have called in one coyote that almost ran over me and had a bobcat come in at 3oo yards and disappear! I usually call from sun up until 9:30 am and from 4pm- sundown! Do coyotes come to calls in the middle of the day or do they bed down like deer? Any help/tips is greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Jake

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A friend and I were out calling and around noon on a warm spring day, decided to break for lunch. We were looking for some shade and saw a thicket near by. When we got close to the thicket, we decided to call fist. We sat back to back, each holding a shotgun. I called in a triple! 3 coyotes came in at once, side by side (by side). I was as surprised as them! I raised my 12ga and started shooting. Got one, wounded another, third one got away clean. Tracked the wounded one but couldn't find it. Could have been the hero IF I could have got all three, right?

Moral: they can come in to the call any time, and aim that shotgun!

Good luck, Couestracker

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It seems like some weeks I cant find a coyote until after 11am, and others i will get nothing after 9am. But i have called them in every hour of the day. There are worse things you could be doing with your time. If you can afford to be out there calling, I say do it.

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Right now anytime is a great time to hunt. When it gets warm usually you have to just extend your stand a little longer 45 minutes instead of 30 minutes because of the time of day. Always remeber if it is an overcast day or just snowed grab all your gear and get out call in sick from work if you have to. Almost everytime I have gone out when it has been overcast or JUST snowed I call them in like crazy. Good luck and buy as many mouth calls as you can and practice. There is no thrill like hunting the hunter.

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they are opportunistic.

a free meal is a free meal. if they are hungry they will do what they did... come in hard and fast!

they can be called any time of day. also they are territorial.

sounds like you are having some luck! keep at it! some days are better than others!

I call all day if it is cool out!



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Had the best luck at night in Texas, but here the magic time seems to be around 8am... I get dogs to answer howls at first light then play 20 minute on/off distress sound sequences with 10 minute silence intervals in between changing sounds from bunny to coyote pup distress and then jackrabbit. Mornings have been better than evenings and I haven't had much luck after 930am

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