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News 3 report on HB2072

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HELLS YEAH!!!! Even Weirs regrets the dang bill! Good job news 3!!!!!!!

Thank you news 3 for bringing this out!

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It will be posted on the website tomorrow along with the interview...


Talked about how long we wait for tags...

How Weirs sponsored the bill and dropped it, now regrets it.

How there is a group that is still pushing the idea and is trying hard to attach it to another bill.

How Weirs is fighting it now...

Also showed SFW and AZSFW websites during the interview.

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Will someone post a link to the interview when it is available?


Thanks, and good job.


Looking forward to watching

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I was actually thrilled to see where it ended up in the lineup last night. Pow, second story. That was awesome. What I'm curious to see is the follow up. I can't imagine the other side ist contacing them to tell their side. This could end up being a few segments. Especially if Crystal keeps digging. We may find out a lot more than we know about it.


I think she knows there's a lot more to the story and she might just keep digging. Especially if she feels like she could dig up dirt on Jerry. I hope for Jerry's sake there's nothing else there. If they followed it up with a small piece this morning, then this story isn't dead for them this could be quite a long story.

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