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Pine Donkey


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My apologies to all Penn State fans.


Penn State University has been trying to decide what they will do with the statue of Joe Paterno in the wake of the scandal. Will they let it remain as a tribute to a legend? Will they remove it as a way to distance the university from the past?


Today they announced it will stay but it will be turned around. University officials felt it would be most fitting if it just looked the other way!

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That's pretty clever! They should've already taken it down. And also impeached our wuss of a president. He couldn't even stand up to Putin at the Summit in Mexico he made the U.S. look like a bithc just like Kennedy did when Krusvhev had a debate with him.

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I was watching on sportscenter this morning and it showed them taking it down for good? I might have missunderstood something cause just turning the statue around does nothing but make all the little kids ask,"Why" and for me I dont think any child should have to hear that Horrible Explaination of Why it is turned around. Being an ex college athlete this is a black eye for all college sports, If you think that this is the only school that has had something like this happpen and cover it up, you are mistaken. The stories I have heard about athlete's would amaze you, the trouble they get in and then the trouble to cover it up. All to make sure their is no black eye on the college but more importanly your team can Keep winning. At what point did we put winning at all cost, infront of Morals? it's just sad.


Little story time:

George Brett got caught with pinetar on his bat and the umpires took his bat away. They put it in the Umpire's secure clubhouse that every stadium has. The Royal's had a club house attendant break into that office and steal the bat back, all so their star wouldn't get suspended. Obviously nothing like Penn State did but for me its all a cover up to make the product(Team) look better.


Another short story:

A heisman trophy winner a few year back was caught in the act of stealing computers out of dorm rooms. He took the computer before the cops got to him and threw it out of a 5 story building , he told the police he heard some noise from the room and was checking it out. He was let go and went onto win his Heisman trophy and the rightful owner of the computer was told not to put his laptop so close to the window.

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heard this somewhere else...should have painted it yellow.. a mark of a coward. Joe Paterno was more worried about himself than the kids that were rapped.

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It was indeed a joke. They turned it around in the joke to "turn the other way" to to speak like if we look the other way it never happened/isn't continuing to happen today.

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