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hauling elk question

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I ran into this issues somewhat, I signed the tag over for transport then had to sign it over again to the taxidermist so my tag was looking pretty ugly by the end. I.E. blood and scribble.

Here's another question related maybe? Lets say you drop a bear way back in somewhere and you quarter it up and prep the hide for rug so where do you tag the dang thing? I stapled it to the ear, LOL not really as I didnt remember my stapler.

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/>I ran into this issues somewhat, I signed the tag over for transport then had to sign it over again to the taxidermist so my tag was looking pretty ugly by the end. I.E. blood and scribble.

Here's another question related maybe? Lets say you drop a bear way back in somewhere and you quarter it up and prep the hide for rug so where do you tag the dang thing? I stapled it to the ear, LOL not really as I didnt remember my stapler.

Around one of it's claws!

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No pictures were taken of the elk with my dad. One he was not their when we arrived. Two he had no phone to take a selfie with him and the elk.

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