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As a shed hunter, not an actual hunter I see MANY things that disturb me while hiking. Abandoned property( washing machines, beds, camper shells) piles of trash, quad trails on non existing roads. I take issue with all these things. On that same note, aside from trash its not my place to touch, tamper with or remove anyone's property. They paid for those items, and ethically it is wrong to take the law into my own hands to " resolve" the issues. I've seen tree stands on trees that have fallen down in the forest and still do not touch it. I see SO many cameras I have lost count. I would never think of taking these items!! If people feel that strongly join forrest services or azgfd to make a real difference. When I read all the negative posts all I see is the hunting community giving the anti hunters a blueprint on how to make everything illegal. To each their own. If I didn't pay for it, I do not take it. Simple ethics and rules really. That is all. People need to stop nit picking at fellow hunters. We have enough of that from the anti hunters. Just enjoy gods beautiful country people and Respect it, respect each other! What happened to just being a good person? That is all. Happy hunting

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If you paid for it, leave it on your property! Not ours!


Got no problem with blinds, stands, etc that are in recent use, but when your done take your stuff with you. Being a good person means leaving no trace and not spoiling the outdoors for others.


One thing I'm concerned with is PR for hunters. The more stuff that can be traced to hunters and left as trash, the more we look bad as a group. There are a lot of Forest Service employees that are antis and you know they are keeping track of it. I got a total attitude from a women in CA one time at a Ranger station when trying to get a deer tag signed off. That was years ago and the first time I really realized the battle we are fighting. They are infiltrating BLM, fish and Wildlife, and many other agencies. Keep leaving shoot out in the woods and watch access continue to get attacked. It's really bad in CA and a AZ will be right behind.

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As an ethical hunter you should take your stuff out when not in use. Maybe the blind that was in the blown over tree belonged to someone who was killed in a car crash or died before they could take it out. Maybe crap happens and you can't get things out and nobody else knows where it is. I know a lot of hunters who tell people exactly where their stand is. :lol: Let the authorities know where it is and let them deal with it so you are not "stealing".


If you want to keep your blind out year round then make a brush blind on the ground and freshen it up when you are using it. My pop up blind is light enough and sets up quickly enough I can take it in and out of the woods every day. Game cams have no real impact on the land if used properly. I see no problems leaving a game cam out year round. I love the people that do and don't lock them up. Maybe I am crossing an ethical line but I take the cards, copy the pics to my computer, and return the cards as I got them. I don't delete the pictures.


The thing that upsets me is trash. Not blinds and game cams or a lost arrow but actual trash. Nothing like topping out on a steep ridge thinking the last person who stood here could have been a hundred years ago, then you look on the other side of a rock to find an empty beer can. Not just from hunters but anybody driving down the road throwing cans and trash out along road ways. I always take extra trash bags out and pick up more trash than I make. It gives a positive image to me and my sport.


One year my oldest daughter and I were cleaning up a forest road in the middle of the day in full camo. A truck passes us and stops and backs up to find out what we were doing. I explained our clean up of the forest when we are out as it makes it much more pleasurable to hunt. When he found out we were hunters a lot more questions came out. I guess he liked our answers because he pulled out a paper and wrote on it. It was a signed access for my daughter and I and the combo to a gate to private land that has been closed to hunters for years. We didn't hunt it but made an impression that has been lost to the majority of society because the old saying is true "It takes a few bad apples to ruin the whole barrel.".


The problem is we live in a throw away society now days. That is starting to come out from the suburbs to the forest. The problem is it is being directed at hunters. Not wood cutters, nor ATV's, nor birdwatchers, nor Sunday picnickers, nor campers, nor photographers, nor hikers, nor......

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As a shed hunter, not an actual hunter I see MANY things that disturb me while hiking. Abandoned property( washing machines, beds, camper shells) piles of trash, quad trails on non existing roads. I take issue with all these things. On that same note, aside from trash its not my place to touch, tamper with or remove anyone's property. They paid for those items, and ethically it is wrong to take the law into my own hands to " resolve" the issues. I've seen tree stands on trees that have fallen down in the forest and still do not touch it. I see SO many cameras I have lost count. I would never think of taking these items!! If people feel that strongly join forrest services or azgfd to make a real difference. When I read all the negative posts all I see is the hunting community giving the anti hunters a blueprint on how to make everything illegal. To each their own. If I didn't pay for it, I do not take it. Simple ethics and rules really. That is all. People need to stop nit picking at fellow hunters. We have enough of that from the anti hunters. Just enjoy gods beautiful country people and Respect it, respect each other! What happened to just being a good person? That is all. Happy hunting

1. why leave your stuff in the woods, when the season is over you should take you garbage (tree stand/blind) out.


2. what are you doing outside of the kitchen?

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It is sad though you can't leave a camp site anymore without having to worry. Recently friends of mine had there ice chests full of food, water and beer stolen and I know a lot of others have had similiar problems. Years ago you could leave your camp site all day and not even consider someone steeling your stuff. Nowadays the percentage of people you can truly trust is at an all time low. It's really sad.

More reason to hunt as far back in the wilderness as possible. Less people I encounter the better.

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I've pondered these situations a bit and what I've come up with is this.


God created these lands for us and we are the caretakers of this beautiful planet. if we all just walk by trash, then we aren't doing our jobs as caretakers.


I've passed up trash on purpose because of the backlash I received here, but I can tell you now that I will not do it again because it didn't feel good to me. If it's trash, then I'll treat it as such. I answer to Him before I answer to fellow hunters.

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I do not leave anything in the forest ever! I clean up everyone else's crap. I do not agree with people that leave blinds and stands out, but i would never take it. I have called Forrest services, you know what happens? Nothing.

Firstcoueswas110: that makes me LOL. Can't I do both?

Now go make me a sandwich!!!

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I do not leave anything in the forest ever! I clean up everyone else's crap. I do not agree with people that leave blinds and stands out, but i would never take it. I have called Forrest services, you know what happens? Nothing.

Firstcoueswas110: that makes me LOL. Can't I do both?

Now go make me a sandwich!!!


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She didn't say it was right to leave your stuff. She said it ain't yours so you have no moral grounds to touch it.

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I do not leave anything in the forest ever! I clean up everyone else's crap. I do not agree with people that leave blinds and stands out, but i would never take it. I have called Forrest services, you know what happens? Nothing.

Firstcoueswas110: that makes me LOL. Can't I do both?

Now go make me a sandwich!!!



I would not eat anything that guy touched

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I've said it a lot, as far as I'm concerned, if it's legal it's ethical. ethics is just a fancy word for your opinion. if a stand is legal, it's ethical. same with cameras, camping, quads, range finders, etc. if they ain't legal, they ain't ethical. anything of these things that tend to be divisive at times, as long as they are legal, they are ethical to me. there's a lotta things that are perfectly legal that i wince at, like a .25 auto being legal to hunt elk with or folks paying a dozen or so guys to track an animal down for em so they can jet in and shoot it when they get time in their schedule, take a few photos that are posted on line within minutes of the animal croakin' and then jet back out. those kinda things are legal, so i guess they're ethical. trash ain't legal. so it ain't ethical. and i don't think most of the trash we see dumped on the side of the road is done by outdoorsmen. but we sure get blamed for it. and there are a lotta mixed up things with picking up other folks trash. i picked up a buncha beer cans that some slobs were just tossing out the window on and old 2 tracker. saw a game warden later and he said something about me having an open container in my vehicle. i don't even drink. so i quite pickin' up beer cans. after this last deer season there were several campsites around our place that it looked they just drove away. beer cans, cigarette butts, cope cans, full trash bags. they were guys with tags, but not hunters. others were better than they were before the season. there are all kindsa folks. i really agree with hunters sticking together, no matter the difference of opinions. we have a lot worse things going on than cameras and tree stands. trash, human and the garbage kind, is a big problem. now, somebody make me a samwich. Lark.

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This nation was founded on one side not agreeing with the laws of another side. One would think us as hunters, would try and at least be a unified front. There is so many things on cwt I can disagree with but you know what to each there own. For example, Lark I feel being ethical is the law for an old timer like you but for a lot of the younger generation who push the boundaries of every law, being ethical and being legal are very different. Most people these days don't have any ethics.

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I do not leave anything in the forest ever! I clean up everyone else's crap. I do not agree with people that leave blinds and stands out, but i would never take it. I have called Forrest services, you know what happens? Nothing.

Firstcoueswas110: that makes me LOL. Can't I do both?

Now go make me a sandwich!!!



Our family enjoys shed hunting, glassing, hunting, fishing, hiking, etc. We are an outdoor family. I ( wife) am the avid shed hunter. It is a huge passion of mine, and I do it every chance I get.



thats cool that you guys are happily gay in the hunting community. its pretty rare to be out about something like that.

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