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The tale of the Big G2 buck

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Went out and got the pics off the trail cam this morning.


I've been seeing him at night on it, but these are the first day time images.


White fur, ribs showing, regressed rack....


He's been getting smaller in the horn for the last 3 years. So how old is he???





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He looked pretty poor last January ('08) with the big tumor on his face, looked bad in September ('08), didn't see him again until February ('09), thats when I noticed how white his coat is getting and how his ribs are poking out. He still walks okay, not too gimpy. I'm gonna keep an eye out for him, who knows if he's gonna make it through this summer. :(




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That guy needs some nutrition!!! You need to get him on the ground in August, Tyson!

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Geez....I have become a whimpy sentimentalist reading your posts, and seeing these last pictues makes me feel so sorry for the old beast, that I don't think I could pull the trigger on him. It's almost as if he has become your little buddy.


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He's looking a bit rough. Good luck finding his headbones this year, hopefully you won't be on birdwatch looking for his carcass.



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Oh my gosh Tyson that's just incredible!!! Kinda sad seein the old champ all tore up like that. Wouldn't doubt it if his antlers get REALLY different if he pulls thru the summer. Just goes to show what an old crafty warrior that makes it thru all the hunting seasons that are down there look like after smelling your sorry tail for all those years. I hope the story continues though.......

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that is awesome to be able to follow a pig buck like that for son long to watch him pass with old age. congrats.

+1. Awesome work Tyson, thanks for sharing that with all of us. Looks like the tumor is gone? The only fitting end to this story is with you slipping an arrow into his chest this August. Here's hoping he makes it till then ;)

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Man that is neat that you have been able to keep tabs on that buck for that long and that he has been able to survive that long! Looks like before long he could be an easy meal for somebody/something though. We had a buck that we were able to follow for about 3 years and actually found 5 of the 6 sheds from those three years and a couple of trail cam photos and then he just up and disappeared. Not sure if a lion or a hunter got him. Tried to ask around to people I knew were in the area but nothing. I guess that is why they call them the "grey ghost."


Hopefully you can kill him and then you could get a cool mount with all his sheds and photos on a plack next him. That is what we were hoping to do but we couldn't close the deal on the killing him part. Close but no cigar!


Here are some pics of "cuatro" and his sheds.



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Ancient buck for sure....


He'd look great, drug up under a Palo Verde, burried under some sticks and dirt :P


I'd give you the rack though Ty.

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My Hat is off to you, That is just flippin un - real. Excelent work my friend. What's his name? Hope he ends up on you're wall one way or another. You've earned him and I'm sure his legacy is not gonna be lost either way.

What a die hard wise old buck he is...

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Amazing buck. He has probably watched your every move since you have been watching his. Maybe he is paying you his repect as a great friend in his old age. Good luck to him and you.

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