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my 2015 nebraska whitetail hunt - 1st tag filled.

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I drove out to Nebraska last week to hunt with a friend on some of his family's land. Its been a little tough, we're still in the infamous 'October lull' but any deer is legal and I've seen deer every day and a few small bucks. Last night I was able to hit this little 6 point at about 45 yards. I hit a little high and left, busting his shoulder and clipping his spine. Dropped him in his tracks. First tag filled on the third night. I have this evening and tomorrow morning to try to fill another.



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Their rubbing and making scrapes but havent seen much cruising going on. Its been very warm and a full moon so that hasnt helped with day time movements. I'm told the rut should be starting in the next week or two.

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I wanted to post up some more pics and give some details on the hunt, but I've been pretty swamped since I got home. With two jobs and family stuff, things tend to pile up on me when I'm gone for a week.


Anyhow, the short-short version is that I saw deer every day, had shot opportunities on 3 of the 5 days we hunted and missed filling my second buck tag on the last morning. Had a much nicer (but still smallish) 6 point at 21 yards and he busted me trying to shift into position. There's a lot of deer in the midwest, but they're by no means push-overs! These guys are hunted pretty hard and they know the game well. The deer than busted me looked right up at me 15 feet up in a tree. These are the educated/smart deer that I hate soooo much! I'll take ignorant wilderness deer any day of the week! :rolleyes:


The season is still on until mid January and I have 3 unfilled tags in my pocket, so I'm planning on flying back for another weekend 2-day hunt in December. Hopefully I'll have another grip & grin picture to show for it! At the very least, I'll throw up some pics of the area we were hunting. Absolutely beautiful!


This was my first eastern whitey hunt and it was a buck-list hunt for me. Wanted to try it ever since I first got interested in bowhunting. It was a great time and I can't wait to give it another run!

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