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Slick trick noise

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All arrows make that noise?


Your broadheads hitting low means it's coming out of the bow low..... raise rest or lower nock 1/16 (repeat this until problem goes away)


Only thing to go wrong that creates noise is fletching. Those heads make noise, but you really only hear it if your away from the bow...... ex: parter near a target (safely) hearing the flight of the arrow.

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Never had any noise out of Slick Tricks. I hear string go thump slightly and then an almost immediate thwack from hitting the target. I need to go run speed through the chronograph as I have no idea how fast the arrows are traveling. Last time I checked with a 100 grain field point two years ago it was around 285fps. I did have to have a new string put on and they were hitting about 2" lower than field points but in a vertical line so I moved D-loop down slightly and fixed the problem.

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None of the critters I've killed with slick tricks noticed the whistle. At least they didn't say anything between being hit and bleeding out so I can't be sure but I got a pretty good guess they didn't.

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I have shot 2 deer with the Slick Trick Magnum 100s. Only broadhead I use. Both deer only went 30 yards. One was shot at 20 yards and the other at 50 yards. They will never hear it coming.

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Nice buck. And I think you're right. I shot a bunch over past month and I agree I think it was fetching.

Info like the way slick trick fly. I hope a buck cooperates with me in he next couple weeks Haha

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i shot the buck in my profile pic with a slick trick standard head 100 grain at 27 yards. He never noticed it, and went @75 yards and dropped. The shot was slightly back (liver) broke a rib going in and another out and stuck in a log. i am pretty sure i could reuse it if I wanted. I was disappointed with the blood trail or the lack there of. I had to track him by his tracks (glad it wasn't far) but he bled mostly internally until he fell over.


I can hear a slight hissing sound when i shoot them on an arrow with straight fletchings but none when I use my helical fletched arrows. Same with my G5 Montecs. I have used swhackers and rage's too and I hear the same thing so I think it has more to do with fletching than the head.I was also told (never tried it) but with fixed blade to try and line up the blades with the fletchings. Does anyone know if this is correct with fixed heads? Not sure if its possible with a 4 blade slick trick.


I think with a properly tuned bow and a helical fletching it probably doesnt matter at all, but when I was shoot fb heads I used to fletch the arrows first and then glue in the inserts with broadheads on so I could time all the blades exactly the same. I also would spin test them to make sure they were all running true and weigh all the finished arrows to make sure they're all exactly the same. Only thing I didnt check was the spine because I never got around to buying the gage to do it. I figured that the less variation the better, especially if you shoot longer ranges.


Now I just say tahellwithit and shoot whatever I find in my bow case. I had a lot more free time back then.

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