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Slick trick noise

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So I was testing my slick trick and they fly straight and true. Maybe little lower than field point but whatever


However. They were fairly loud. Is that a concern for a deer jumping them?


I shot swacker mechanical and they were very quiet but Ive heard such good things from the slick trick


I'm into my thirds year bow hunting. So I'm a rookie. Never shoot at a deer yet. But this is my year.

Good luck to all

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I use them also. I hear a slight whistle. It's normal for any vented fixed blade to make some noise. If it really concerns you shoot a g5 montec. They make the slick tricks sound very quiet.lol.


I've hit coues deer mule deer elk and javelina with a slick trick and none of them knew what was happening until impact.

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I shoot slik triks sometimes. Great heads. i had never noticed any noise till the last time I shot at a javelina with them. It was super quiet just before sunset and i could hear a faint whistle as my arrow sailed cleanly over the back of the largest javelina in the group. Id never heard any sound while practicing with them.

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I shoot slik triks sometimes. Great heads. i had never noticed any noise till the last time I shot at a javelina with them. It was super quiet just before sunset and i could hear a faint whistle as my arrow sailed cleanly over the back of the largest javelina in the group. Id never heard any sound while practicing with them.


On that note I can say that when They hit the rocks above/behind/below your target they sound about the same as any other bh

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I shoot slik triks sometimes. Great heads. i had never noticed any noise till the last time I shot at a javelina with them. It was super quiet just before sunset and i could hear a faint whistle as my arrow sailed cleanly over the back of the largest javelina in the group. Id never heard any sound while practicing with them.

On that note I can say that when They hit the rocks above/behind/below your target they sound about the same as any other bh

mine make that sound to on rocks. Lol lol that made my day
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It may be your fl etching not the broad head.

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I was considering switching over to slick tricks from my muzzys. Not sure if this would be a good thing or not?

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Im using fusion vanes and slick trick heads, there is a little string noise but none from the arrow.

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I would imagine the report from your bow is much more likely to cause a string jump and then most likely only if the deer is on full alert. If theyre looking in your direction wait for them to turn their head and youll be fine.


Incidentally the couple of string jumpers I had have all been at close range, less than 35 yards. Ive killed a few at 50 plus that were looking right at me and just watched that arrow come. Seems like at 40 yards plus they dont think you're inside the serious danger zone and are more tolerant.

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Thanks for the feedback


I hope one day soon I can say how great they did but it will.mostly likely be a report on what I did to screw up. Haha


On my third year bow hunting. Hope success is soon. But even though it's so much dang fun

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Thanks for the feedback

I hope one day soon I can say how great they did but it will.mostly likely be a report on what I did to screw up. Haha

On my third year bow hunting. Hope success is soon. But even though it's so much dang fun

Just keep after it, it'll happen. I thought it was impossible to kill a deer with my bow until it happened. Several years and several deer later the hardest part now is just finding a weekend I don't have to work.

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