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Unit 23

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Only got drawn for mulies in Az, Was Planning on hunting unit 23 on the 3 day hunt, Plan on going to scout the area in about 2 weeks, if anyone could advise me on the best place to start, or any info would be great. Thanks

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I would advise you to go along the AZ border. I think that's mule creek. I don't know if that's in 23 or not but if it is go there! Sorry I don't have more info but I don't know much about 23, just the part going into Lordsburg. I hit a deer there with my car so there should be deer there LOL!

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I plan to head over that way for the second hunt. I've hunted by mule creek before and saw 6 lions and one buck. :angry: Anybody have any good advice for another unit near AZ. Heck I'll shoot a carp deer if I get a chance. Didn't draw a single tag in AZ this year. Anybody hunt the north end of 23??? :)

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Heck if you want to see some amazing country try unit 36 or 34. No Coues but there are some decent mulies in there. You may just see a northern whitetail in there too. Buy a bear tag cause you'll see PLENTY.



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Everything I have ever heard about the cougar is that they are very secretive and elusive. In '99 I went on a lion hunt with Dave Handrich (outfitters) from Glenwood. He told me in 30 years of guiding in Oregon, Arizona, and New Mexico, he had seen 3 not being chased by dogs. 3. To read in this post it sounds as if a cougar is behind every Juniper. Bullwidgeon, you hunt 23, are they as common as this post leads me to believe??? (They sure weren't in '99. We hunted 23 and 16 and found 4 old sets of tracks. Some 2 around tanks and 2 off the road.)

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I have not seen one in NM yet. I saw more sign in the Southern end than the Middle and Northern though. And we found lion killed deer in the Southern end. I haven't found any lion kills in the Northern end and I walked my tail off chasing turkeys there this spring. I did kill a lion not too awful far from there in AZ's unit 27 this year. There are alot of cats in AZ's unit 27. As far as only seeing three in a lifetime not in front of dogs, I understand that, I spend a good amount of time behind binoculars in lion country and I have only seen 6 or 7 and some of them were crossing road. Lions are hard to see even when there is a bunch of them around.


Bret M.

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To correct you Redbeard, we saw 5 lions not 6. I know cause I have everyone of them on film.



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Remember I saw one by myself. I believe you or Jeff saw one by yourself and then the day after you shot your deer we could see four at one time. There was a tom eating your carcass and a mom with two full growns with her. That is six except maybe the first two were the same one twice. But no matter that is still a lot of lions. For those guys that doubt me I'm sure you believe Josh. In addition to those lions I've seen many more all without dogs.


2 together in 6B following mule deer. on video

3 together in 22 chasing some javelina and some whitetails

2 together in 22 eating a calf

3 together in 36A (I shot one of those)

1 in 6A watching me hike

1 in 21 that tried to eat me I missed it with my bow as it was about to jump at me from 15 yards.

1 in 8 that came into a ground blind with me I chased that one off. (2 others had come in to the same waterhole the same day on another guy)

3 with Josh in unit 32, on video

2 in 6A that I think were breeding


Since Andy started hanging around with me he has seen just 4 in unit 8.


A couple more I can't remember right now.


There are lots of lions out there. :huh:


I've been to unit 34 and although I didn't see any bears there was tons of sign. I was just about a month after they had been there.

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I do remember you seeing one the day prior to the hunt, I got it on video sitting there with you and Geoffry, it was about 2-3 canyons north of us at the time. We went to Glenwood bought deer tags and inquired about lion tags. They told us there was a 5 day wait till we could hunt if we bought tags. We all called BS on that and went back to deer hunting. Opening day I killed, the next morning we saw the 4 you mentioned. I just can't recall any other. It's official...... you're lying! Just kidding. I know I've seen quite a few lions in the past but I can only recall about 10 or so. I'm still trying to retain all the antlers I've seen in my head so don't jumble my brain with anything else. I've seen so many antlers in the past 4 years though, I think I'm starting to lose it. Lions don't mean jack to me so I don't remember them all.

The reason you've seen that many without dogs is cause you haven't hunted with dogs enough. If Andy gets his pack goin you'll hopefully be seeing a lot more of them...... and dead ones at that. Just don't tell wildman Clint.




PS Anyone interested in a tough butt hunt for bears should go to 36 in NM. To quote a guy I know over there, "36 is inundated with bears". The country is STEEP and not for the avg hunter as it'll kick any seasoned hunters' butt. It kicks mine but I love it. When the pears aren't in they're eating the juniper berries and vice versa. I've seen more bears there than anywhere I've ever hunted. It's better than bears in the pears in 27, in AZ, on an acornless year! I've hunted there the past 2 years in a row for 2-3 weeks at a time and if I was a bear hunter that's where I'd go. JMO

Edited by Josh Epperson

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I don't remember exactly what the circumstances were but I thought there was six. My memories of that hunt are sketchy but I remember very well when you passed out and caught on fire. dang that was funny! You guys won't believe this but there was no alcohol involved! I'm pulling Josh off the ground where he fell on a lantern and caught fire and he's coming out of it wondering what the heck I'm beating his clothes for. dang that was too much.

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OH dang!!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!! That is one flippin hilarious story. I LOVE IT! That's one of the funniest memories of all time that I have. Glad you brought it up man, too funny.



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