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S Davis

Rifle Bipods

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Quick question for the gear junkies out there. What are people’s favorites for bipod’s that will extend out far enough that you can use them while sitting down?


A long, long, long, time ago I went out one cold morning with a good friend to do some coyote calling. He had a 27 inch extendable Harris with the pivot head on his rifle. My initial reaction was kind of “yeah whatever”, and “I really don’t want the additional weight on my rifle”.


By the end of the day I was a true believer. He flat out shot me all day long, could drop the legs down with the stock in his lap while using both hands to call, (yeah, this was so long ago E-Callers pretty much didn’t exist), wasn’t constantly worrying about bumping his rifle over and getting snow in the barrel, Etc.


I went out and bought a pair of Harris’ the next day and I’ve been using them with great regularity ever since.


I’m currently in the process of doing load development and tuning up a couple of rifles that will be shipped soon to a couple of kids. In support of young shooters, this is normally the time that I hand down good equipment to kids that I know can’t otherwise afford it. I’m kind of wondering if maybe my old Harris bipod’s need to go out the door with these rifles.


The old Harris’s would though have to be replaced. Is anyone out there using something that they believe is a substantial improvement? I’m looking forward to the thoughts and replies!

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I highly recommend the Atlas and the Extreme pod by extreme outer limits (Bob Beck).....


I also bought a couple Chinese nock off versions of the Atlas for my AR.

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There was recently a thread on the same topic. I think for the money the same Harris 27" swivel bipod that you were using is about as good as you can get. I just put one on one of my rifles and really like it.

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I asked that question not too long ago (might be the thread referred to above). Cactus Jack and several others convinced me that a Harris 27" swivel head was the way to go. I got one for my daughter's rifle and she loves it. Its probably going to bite me hard because I now see putting one on my son's rifle and at least one of mine!

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