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Nice....I saw a pack or herd or family or group or whatever you call a bunch of them together this winter on the east slope of the catalinas. I stopped counting at 40. It was pretty impressive. Neat animals.

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This one didnt appreciate the paparatcci - so he mooned the camera!



BTW Sundevil79 "I saw a pack or herd or family or group or whatever you call a bunch of them together..." I call them a menacing fury mob! Do your hunting area a favor - ventilate one!

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I believe for coati it's called a troop.

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no, that's the boy scouts. coati are called a @$%#^$&!!!! Lark.



:o :lol:

Now thats some cool stuff right there.I used to run across them suckers often out in the Canelo Hills and out towrads Parker.

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