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Kids can't be kids any more. Dang shame. Wonder what's next.

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not if the adults have anything to say about it. used to be a big supporter of the bsa. not so much anymore. this is more of the alinsky-ite take over of America. a little at a time. the bsa was tough for a long time, keeping the perv's out, doing what they know is right. but they let them have a fraction of an inch and it was over with. they'll be callin' each other comrade soon. Lark.

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I'm a Scout Master Assistant, and a Eagle Scout. Sadly my heart was never a believer in the system because of stuff like this. Some times it's so hard to go do things in scouts with all this red tape now days. It's almost as bad as trying to register a rifle in California as to just take the boys on a gun merit badge. BSA is trying to cover there butts on everything that it's just turned into a mess. I don't blame them, times have changed people try to,sue for everything. It just seems like it's Turing into just a class room and less being outdoors. I'm now under the belief that BSA are for boys who's dad won't take them camping. Overall it's still a good place for boys to be. Better than no scouts!

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The Boy Scouts are a private organization. They should not have to fear discrimination lawsuits. The WNBA & LPGA are two examples of legal discrimination. Discrimination is only illegal for the state, not private organizations.

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What would prompt the head of the Boy Scouts to suddenly decide it's o.k to have homosexual Scout Leaders. Putting a gay man in charge of a group of boys is like putting the Fox in charge of the henhouse. Homosexuality is a mental disorder. . Too many people caving into the PC crowd and the Gay Mafia movement.

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