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Anyone ever had a doe reply to a grunt call?

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The subject line pretty much sums up this post. Just curious how many of you guys out there have had that happen since it was the first time it has happened to me. I was hunting over a little choke point with some water while I was also taking quick looks glassing a ridge out in front of me when I decided to blow on the grunt call. I immediately got a quick baah baaaaaahh reply. I was very surprised and looked up at the hill about 100 yards in front of me just in time to catch a doe trotting up through some manzanitas toward the saddle. It was so loud and clear it almost startled me and made me laugh at the same time. I kept a close eye on and around that spot to see if it was actually a buck but no other deer followed so I assume it was a doe but who knows. Deer are funny.

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Yes. And if they are with a buck he will usually follow. Single bucks will also respond and a fawn in distress call can work well also. If I see a buck with his nose down on a doe's trail I will hit a grunt call. As often as not you can call him into bow range.

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Just like anything else - we and they can react to things differently . one doe may come running in -- another running away


I did my own test this fall in Wisc. We were seeing lots of does but no bucks . most does were in the 90-100 yrds range , as any closer woulda blown my tree stand location.


one young doe pranced around and got closer. the rest (10 or so) just raise and turned their heads to look in my direction and wagged their tails and basically IGNORED it

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Yes they are funny animals. Thanks for the feedback fellas. I was watching a different doe bed for awhile then get up and browse in almost the exact same spot and just for fun I decided to blow on the fawn bleat while she had her head down. She spun around, looked in my general direction and cocked her head like a dog before losing interest and going back about her business.


Good luck during the rut!


Elkaholic - what part of WI were you hunting this fall? I'm from there and hunted a few days back there in November myself.

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