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This was my buddy Steve's daughters first time hunting deer, and I'll tell you what she sure takes after her pappy. Opening day was windy and hot so about noon they headed back to camp for some lunch. That evening they found some bucks up feeding and she shot but buck fever got the best of her and the bucks were soon gone. The next morning I arived at there camp about 5:45 and asked Steve what the game plan was and he said lets glass from camp and cook up some breakfast at the same time. Well right away we found some does on the side of a hill that just stood there like statues cause of all the wind. I thought the bucks would probably be down in the thick stuff so I started looking down in the rivenes and sure enough found 3 bucks as they bedded. Now the problem was how are we gunna get Shanie within shooting distance, after carefully looking at all of the options we were on our way to close the distance to only find out we were still 330 yards away. By now its raining cats and dogs with the wind blowing stronger than ever the bigest buck stands up and Shanie gets a good steady rest for the rifle and lets one rip, another clean miss and the bucks were up and over the hill in no time. So we tell Shanie to just wait there and that we would go back to camp and grab are packs and water and such be right back. When we got back to were she was she tells Steve "dad the bucks came back over the mountain" sure enough the bucks not only came back around but were heading right towords us. Then the rain starts to pour again and we loose site of then cause our binos were wet and foggy. After the rain stopped and with dry glass Steve finds the deer again, puts the range finder on em and this time they were only 225 yards away. This time she was calm as could be and used my tripod as a rest, Steve and I watched as the buck just dropped in its tracks. Perfect shot placement right behind the shoulder and split the heart in two...




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Way to go guys! Congrats to the hunter!

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