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360 bull for 14 year old

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Good for the boy azhunter85!!!! I never measure my animals (maybe because they never seem worth it.... :lol: ). I'm glad you posted the pic! Doesn't matter much to me what the bull scored, and I'm not sure why it matters to those that have critiqued it. (other than they are certainly entitled to their opinion when you post a pic on a public forum...) Those that post pics/stories must stand-up to that critique. Not saying they are right, or you are right. I'm just glad that the kid had a great hunt!


My son shot a nice bull a couple of years ago in NM. It was his first bull, and it was a dandy. (Amanda was with us for the hunt!) I remember when it went down I could have sworn it was at least 300+, but as the hours wore on it was apparent that it was short of that. It didn't matter though.... All that mattered was that we had an epic hunt ending with a bull hitting the ground!


If you put a tape to it, then only YOU know the score. 360 or not, it looks like that boy had a great day! THAT'S what counts!!!









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I think just about everyone that has posted has commented on how nice of a bull that is. You are just a little butt hurt that people are questioning your score. You posted this on a discussion forum. Nobody has bashed anything. It's just fun discussion. Maybe he is a lot thicker then he appears, maybe there are stickers we can't see in the photo. None of it matters. Score aside, I'll say again that is a very nice bull for any age person.

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WOW!!! thats a great bull and he should be very proud!! dont worry about the guys that try to arm chair quarterback the scores on the internet......come on guys this is not monster muleys!!!!

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WOW! I never meant to "bash" anyone saying that I don't buy it being a 360 bull. But it is a public forum. If your going to post numbers like that to hunters and e-hunters, your going get questions. Again, great bull at any age!


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Congrats to the KID!!!! A great bull!!! Who really cares what that bulls scores???? Not me... a kid got bloody... that is what matters!!! I know a guy that lives a few towns over that could get 380-390 outta that bull... so the tape is not really imoprtant unless it is a top 5 critter.... ;)



Again... CONGRATS,KID!!!! ;)

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those last two pictures really shed new light on that bull. You don't really see the great main beam length in the first three pics. Awsome mount!

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Congratulations to the kid. That is a spectacular bull and he should be very proud, I would be. Score really shouldn't matter at 14 years, if it did, every bit of 400". I was so excited when I took my 300" bull last year, it was my second bull, and bigger than the first. I was with my best friends and family and THAT is what its about.


Great bull Tyler!!



azyota and snyper100.....where are YOUR 360" bulls???



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I seen a set of antlers of an elk a guy killed with the over the counter bull tag in the northern unit of 4B. They were at the local archery shop in HEBER and the guy said he would probably go in the 360. Now this bull I saw looked even smaller than the bull in the picture. So I waited around and he scored the bull it came to the high 360's. I was amazed that such a small looking bull scored so high. If everyone remembers GRONG's archery buck he took in january of 2008 everyone thought his buck would score really really high, but he didn't and everyone was amazed that it wasn't more. It just goes to show you lookes are deceiving. If you say its 360 then I say congrats that is a nice bull, and for a kid to kill it then he has accomplished more than most of us. The people that are saying "360 what i don't think so" they are just jealous that they don't have anything nearly as big :lol: Come on guys give the kid some credit. Keep the bad comments to yourself, or some day it will catch up with you. ;) Thanks for sharing such a great bull with us and don't mind some of the bone heads here.

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