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My mom has had a bad headache for 4 days straight and has gone to the doctor yesterday and he told her it is either a brain tumor or fibromuscular displexia ( corroded artery in the brain). I am beyond words at this point and my father who has poison ivy on his face is going through a tough time. The lab is doing tests but I hope to god that everything is ok and that it is a fluke.


Thanks for your prayers

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Thank you those prayers are much appreciated. I will update people once I get word on what's going on.



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Last night. My mom and dad woke up from sleeping to extremely loud bangs that almost sounded like a home invasion not to mention the CHIHUAHUA was barking loudly. After ther noise stopped they went downstairs to see what was taken and what damages were done. All the locks were locked and nothing seems out of place except for one thing. MY mom's favorite vase was upside down in the kitchen which she would never do. I think it was a sign that god heard all your prayers and is responding to my mom's illness. There has never been any ghost like paranormal activity until now so Thanks to everyone for giving us hope. :D

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Test result came in and she has fibromuscular displexia . Which is bad but I feel it's better than a tumor. Thanks for your prayers

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Thanks to everyone for praying... I really appreciate it, my mom is doing ok, she's just worried and so are we, but we are staying strong and trying to confort her through this... We have all noticed memory loss. She will ask the same questions day after day. I FEEL SO BAD!!!

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