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We really struck out on this youth turkey hunt in the past. Felt like a complete flop in the dad department. We were able to get in on some action Saturday morning.

We set up calling right off the bat after hearing a tom but could not seem to pull him in so we got up and headed in a direction to try and catch up with him. We walk about 10 yards only to scatter a couple of hens flying down the ridge.


After several sets of calling with no real gain in positioning we decided to bust tail and try to get ahead of the gobble gobble and set up.

Fortunately this time we were able to get Cole is position.

I set up above Cole to call, put him behind a big Ponderosa pine. As we called we could tell that the tom was coming closer. Cole would turn and look at me raising his thumbs up.

The first time I saw the tom I thought Cole could not see him cause of the big pine tree so I am whistling at him trying to get his attention. He assures me he can see the tom

So I started watching Cole more than the turkey, I see him pull up his gun slowly and then I see him jerk, you know they way you jerk when you don't have a round in the chamber. :D

I was proud of him though, he calmly chambered a shell in and set up again for the shot. BOOM he jumps up, bird down, bird down. All the sudden I see him pull up again BOOM. He shoots again. (Lost a bird two years ago that he peppered.)

He says, "Dad, he was acting just like that one that got away so I made sure this time he didn't!!!)

We were able to call this tom up from the bottom of the draw and Cole made the shot. What a great time!






Antler find of the hunt. Driving down a dead end dirt road, almost dark, I decide to turn around, look in my rear view mirror left side and low and behold this little horn is lying right next to the road. If I woulda kept driving I would have never seen the horn. First ever road find antler.


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Congrats good lookin bird, glad it all came together for ya. oh yeah that is cheating finding horns off the road like that.

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Awsome job! Congrats Cole! And great job dad, for getting him out there and sticking with it! Gotta love those youth hunts!

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Congrats to dad and Cole. Persistance pays off in the long run. Those memories are priceless. I love the youth hunts, it keeps the up coming generations in the sport of hunting and creates a heck of a family bond. Congrats to all the youth turkey hunts.

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Congratulations to Cole and thanks for sharing that great story with us. It don't get any better than that. :)



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