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Ladies and gentleman (I use that term loosely) B) , It would be considered poaching to shoot one of Santa's riendeer on Christmas eve. I know you may shoot "any Deer" but, since Santa comes at night it would be illegal. Not to mention that Santa won't bring you any presents for a long time. My family and I wish you and yours (and our troops) a happy holiday.

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Thats Ok!!!!!, Just use the blunt tips on the arrows.....its good practice

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Hey Lark, your spelling is getting better.Have you been taking Spanglish 101?Merry Cristmas to you and all your family,even that blockhead son of yours Gunner.Sincerely,Sleepy V. :) :)

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Being politically correct is not my strong suit so if this offends one of the 12% of population who do not believe in the "reason for the season".. so be it.



Merry Christmas To all the members of the best hunting forum around.

God has truly blessed us with a wonderful year of Coues hunting. Great Bucks and more! Many have determined a truly successful hunt involves more than taking a huge buck. (although that can't hurt either) :)

Spending time with friends, family and others sharing the experience with like minded people is another part of what makes life so special!


God Bless one and all!

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Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

Good Hunting, Good Luck, and God Bless you all.

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I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I know I will. I will be spending it with my wife of 9 years, my 6 month old daughter and my 113" buck from New Mexico. Here is the best picture of them all. Enjoy and God Bless. CB


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She's a cutie :) I hope you have some camo for her under the Christmas tree :)


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all and God bless.

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