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Dillon's first day archery hunting out of a stand

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We had a ton of fun this weekend. Dillon and I weren't able to get one down yet, but we had one close call with D getting a severe case of "buck fever" and missing a 15 yard shot at a small forky buck. His heart was pounding so hard I thought he was going to faint after the shot, he said his legs were weak!


Let's move on to Sunday Morning


We did however have a morning to remember in our treestands. We were actually trying out a friends spot because mine were very slow on any action according to the cameras. It was a tough hike in, first time I had made the walk in the dark. It took us right over an hour in some steep nasty terrain to make it into the stands. We were buckled in for "the ride" by 5:15. We had 6 or more does within 10 to 60 yards in a 4 hour hour span along with really nice Tom. Two of the does (doe and fawn), winded us and almost ran off. They decided to come back and circle all the way around the tree right under our stands. The doe snort wheezed twice while D was staring at her and then went back to her business before her and her fawn just slowly feed off up the ridge. Dillon and I also got the treat of 10 lifetimes, a bear sauntered through at around 8:15 coming within 20 yards of the stands. About a half hour later Dillon said he saw the bear again and told me the bear was back. It was being attacked/confronted? by a lion. It all happened so fast, when I turned around (of course my stand was facing in the exact opposite direction) the bear was rolling down the hill and when he got is bearings was looking back up at the lion. After a long pause in a very awkward position, he slowly walked off and came 10 yards from the stand. Although I did not see the lion, Dillon said he saw his face as they both reared up and the lion took swipes at him. He also said he saw his long tail as the lion turned and walked away. It is very thick where we are at, and the fight took place in a small window we could see into. So, in a 4 hour period we saw 6 does, a big Tom, bear (twice), a lion and even a mole doing some dirt work right under our stand. Man, days like that sure do make life's memory's memorable. This was not D's first day in a stand, but first day he actually had a tag! Don't we all wish stand hunting could always be this exciting!


All my three children enjoy hunting, but it is Dillon who I see as the one who falls in love for life with the sport of hunting, with the outdoors and all it has to offer.

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Awesome...what a great experience to share with your son. I can't wait for these kind of experiences with my son (6 and going on his first deer hunt with me soon)

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WOW! Doesn't get any better than that. He's hooked for life for sure. :)



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What a great morning. Some dads buy their kids a nintendo and think the child live a full life! These stories about kids hunting are my favorites, this is among the best yet.

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Good way to start his lifelong obsession with hunting

my son is 7 and asks me everyday when can he have

His turn to shoot a whitetail

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That is a crazy day, not one he will forget anytime soon I'm sure. No bear or lion tag?? My bunchloves to hunt as well and there all getting close to the pundage minimum. So watch out pigs in Jan.Congrats to Dillion on a great day of hunting.

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You know it's been a great day when you can experience all that you did. Sounds like a great time and to spend it with your son is even better.

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