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east new mex goats

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just got back from east new mex on a goat hunt. 5 guys, 5 goats. all pretty decent. 2 could make b&c minimum. my eldest son Gunner, who has 2, count em, 2, broken legs and is on crutches, got the most impressive one, but he was real hard on his prongs. 2 friends from lubbock shot the biggest ones. oly shot a good one. but i made the most spangtakk'ler shot. ranged him at 455. couldn't get down in a shooting position because my knew nee don't bend that far yet, so i had to walk back to the truck and get a chair, cussin' the whole time about bein' a broked!cked ol' man, on video, then pack it back to where i could shoot from and rest Farkiller, my big .300 on a fence. ain't for sure how far he was then, but he had fed off a bit. anyway, made the appropriate adjustments, touched the hairy trigger and dumped him. got a neat video of it. i'll get some photos to somebody who knows how to post em and you can see for yourselves. maybe even the video, after it is edited. it is definitely for cable only as it is. i get a little wound up sometimes. it was also the littlest goat, but i didn't really care. next year when i can walk i'll bust a big one. somehow i never got a still photo of mine. my kid is gonna take some photos of the head with his and oly's and when i get it all rounded up you can see em. fun hunt. there are places to hunt out there fellers. just gotta find em. Lark.

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Congratulations Lark to you and the rest of your party. That's defintitely getting the job done. You got to be tougher than any wounded lion to just be getting out there after complete knee surgery and your boy having 2 broken legs. To bad you two weren't at the Alamo. lol Can't wait to see some pics. :)



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I've seen the pictures and they are great looking antelopes along with a huge mule deel. If I knew how to post the pictures I would but just don't have the lernin in me. :)



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if anybody knows how to post photos i'll send em to ya. we're headed to colorado thursday to see if we can shoot some more goats. Lark.

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Here is one you sent me, Lark. I'll see if I got anymore. What a handsome animal! The ram is pretty good as well!


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Congratulations, looking forward to seeing the rest of the pictures.

Were you hunting around Fort Sumner? My family knows a rancher there who has really big antelope and a few years back he started doing hunts for corsicans, texas dalls, etc.

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i sent some to antlerobsessed. maybe he can post em right side up so you don't hafta turn your computer on it's side. :lol: i'm outta here. colorado better look out. Lark.

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