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Federal Judge dismisses lawsuit against Rosemont Copper

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Bill, I used to work for Levy's when I was in High School(1979) for a whopping $3.25 an hour. LOL



You obviously were not an executive getting the big bucks for making the important decisions. :P


Bill Quimby

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"really don't think this mine will bring additional stores from Macys, JCP or Sears. You might argue it could bring Walmart, Target or K-Mart all of which pay managers 32,000 to 38,000. I was the assistant field manager working hourly with my manager on salary and I made more than he did, due to overtime. I also made more than the site manager in charge of a crew of 60 with four field managers under him. The region he controlled was southern Arizona, Yuma to Portal and all south. We could argue this all day, the point still remains these numbers are all fictitious until they are set in stone that is all they are "


1) Don't remember my saying that the mine's opening would result in the opening of a department store anywhere. 2) I don't consider Walmart a source of living wages, and 3) I doubt that a regional manager at Walmart actually was responsible for setting budgets or making important administrative decisions. Such things, I am guessing, would be done at a much higher level by people making much more money than you've quoted.


I happen to know something about department stores. After leaving the advertising agency, and before I went to work for the Tucson Citizen in 1967, I was earning $37,500 a year as assistant sales promotion and advertising manager for Levy's, a Tucson-based department store. That was 45 years ago, and the dollar went considerably farther then. I have no idea what my boss made, but I suppose it was about $50,000. His boss, the store's "manager" (his title actually was president and CEO) would have made at least twice that and probably a lot more.


That same year I moved to the newspaper, I turned down an offer of $50,000 year to move to Los Angeles to be the advertising manager of a large department store. I have never regretted making the career change, even though I took a pay cut to do it. Although I had to work from 4 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily at two jobs in journalism and publishing simultaneously for more than 18 years to do it, I made a comfortable living at jobs that allowed me to hunt all over the world before and after I retired.


But I digress. Check Google for wages paid in Arizona's mining industry. The site I found said the average wage in mining in this state was $60,000. Again, averages include those who make less and those who make more.


Bill Quimby

I too have worked in and around department stores, maybe not the high end stores, but i think the lower end stores are the ones that might benefit from the mine. Even if the stores increase the work force it won't be managers it will be the workers that they laid off over the last three years. Their wages will never reach the average you speek of.


You are correct you didn't say there would be more department stores, I for one would like to know what jibes you think will be generated other than the ones in the mine. I believe that the jobs would range from the high end diesel mechanics to the clerks in the convenience stores.


You stated about 400 jobs directly from the mine and around 2100 total with peripheral jobs and the average wage of 47,000 for a total of around 100 million per year.

OK your new Numbers are, the average mining wage is 60,000 that, times 400 jobs is only 24 million the remaining 76 million divided by the 1700 peripheral jobs need to average 44,705, does that sound right to you? When I was hourly and the assistant field manager making 17.01 per hour my base pay was 35,380. Do you really think the the average hourly wage in Arizona is at 21.50?????? I hate to say it but I think you have been out of the trenches too long.

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Bill, I used to work for Levy's when I was in High School(1979) for a whopping $3.25 an hour. LOL



You obviously were not an executive getting the big bucks for making the important decisions. :P


Bill Quimby


The only decisions I made, were what dishes to wash first!

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Equipment Operator Construction Salary Survey Data in Phoenix, Arizona





Equipment Operator Construct(48,369)Registered Nurse(67,574)Medical Assistant(35,006)Accountant(54,868)Executive Assistant(63,651)Administrative Assistant(44,643)Certified Nurse Assistant(29,747)Teacher Aide(24,921)Property Manager(76,543)

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Don't know how you got fixated on department stores. Inserting (put any figure you will accept here) millions of dollars into an economy creates jobs in every sector, just as removing dollars (as happened recently with the construction and real estate industries) eventually will negatively affect in some manner every business in that economy.


As for my "new numbers," you need to re-read the entire paragraph. At someone's suggestion, I reduced Rosemont's estimate of 400 direct jobs and 2,100 peripheral jobs by 20%. Please note that I said nothing about the average hourly rate for all jobs across Arizona, except that it was 44% lower than for mining jobs.


The $60,000 figure is the average wage paid for Arizona's mining jobs, according to a report found on Google. I have no reason to believe it is not accurate.


I've wasted enough effort and time on this. Believe what you want. I don't care.


Bill Quimby

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I just used the numbers you provided and ran them. I used the department store because it is a sector of jobs everbody can identify with.

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If it were a dang shopping mall on I-10 and the 83 exit, with a walmart and a bunch of restauraunts, a harkins theater, and a car dealership that combined provided 4-500 jobs would it make you "non mine supporters" happy? the point being, the mine will happen no matter how much you bitch about it, how much you claim there are endangered toads, snails, or what the f%ck ever on your precius hunting land. find another place to hunt or work around the dang mine, quit whining about it and accept that it is going to happen. I grew up with a copper mine supporting my livelyhood so I am very biased on this subject. Like I have said in previous threads, If you dont want the mine, quit driving your car, rip the copper wiring out of your house, (including your solar panels) shoot pure lead bullets and recycle your computer cause it all has copper in it. The mineral has to come from somewhere, your back yard or someone elses, quit bitchin and shut the heck up!!! ok time to get all the negative feedback marks on my profile, I dont give a sh!t. this site used to be 100% awesome, the past year or so, it's nothin but a bunch of cry babies. Go home, shut up and let the adults figure out what to do cause obviusly your too much of an idiot to understand the real world. p.s. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. let the fight begin!!!

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If it were a dang shopping mall on I-10 and the 83 exit, with a walmart and a bunch of restauraunts, a harkins theater, and a car dealership that combined provided 4-500 jobs would it make you "non mine supporters" happy? the point being, the mine will happen no matter how much you bitch about it, how much you claim there are endangered toads, snails, or what the f%ck ever on your precius hunting land. find another place to hunt or work around the dang mine, quit whining about it and accept that it is going to happen. I grew up with a copper mine supporting my livelyhood so I am very biased on this subject. Like I have said in previous threads, If you dont want the mine, quit driving your car, rip the copper wiring out of your house, (including your solar panels) shoot pure lead bullets and recycle your computer cause it all has copper in it. The mineral has to come from somewhere, your back yard or someone elses, quit bitchin and shut the heck up!!! ok time to get all the negative feedback marks on my profile, I dont give a sh!t. this site used to be 100% awesome, the past year or so, it's nothin but a bunch of cry babies. Go home, shut up and let the adults figure out what to do cause obviusly your too much of an idiot to understand the real world. p.s. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. let the fight begin!!!


Best post of the year! +1000

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If it were a dang shopping mall on I-10 and the 83 exit, with a walmart and a bunch of restauraunts, a harkins theater, and a car dealership that combined provided 4-500 jobs would it make you "non mine supporters" happy? the point being, the mine will happen no matter how much you bitch about it, how much you claim there are endangered toads, snails, or what the f%ck ever on your precius hunting land. find another place to hunt or work around the dang mine, quit whining about it and accept that it is going to happen. I grew up with a copper mine supporting my livelyhood so I am very biased on this subject. Like I have said in previous threads, If you dont want the mine, quit driving your car, rip the copper wiring out of your house, (including your solar panels) shoot pure lead bullets and recycle your computer cause it all has copper in it. The mineral has to come from somewhere, your back yard or someone elses, quit bitchin and shut the heck up!!! ok time to get all the negative feedback marks on my profile, I dont give a sh!t. this site used to be 100% awesome, the past year or so, it's nothin but a bunch of cry babies. Go home, shut up and let the adults figure out what to do cause obviusly your too much of an idiot to understand the real world. p.s. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest. let the fight begin!!!


I understand the REAL world. I just want to die knowing my grand kids will still have one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you can't understand that than YOU ARE THE IDIOT........ Now there is the "new" movement called "RECYCLING" maybe you have heard of it. It just might save this planet you call home! Personally I would tell you to go back under your rock but I am afraid the mine would move it and crush you, so read it or not i will continue to post my feelings and opinions on this glorious website.

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Please don't let this debate devolve into name calling. I know you are all capable of carrying on a rational debate without foul language and bashing each other. So let's stick to the facts and make your points without the personal attacks.

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I probably recyle more metal every month than you can dream of. not because i want to save the planet but because there is good money in it and if i didnt recyle the stuff it would end up in the dump or even worse, someone else would get the cash from it. and you probably didnt know, alot of recycled copper and whatnot ends up at the dang copper mines who intern recycle it into useful products. Dont dare talk to me about reusing metals, I may not do it for the "green enviro" reasons you do it for but none the less I do my part pal. i live under no rock but instead live among the rocks, the same rocks that have to be crushed and smeltered inorder for you and i to have the freedom and resources to have our petty debate. take the time, stop and think and wonder, where does everything that you use on a daily basis come from??? if you want to be dependent soley on foreign natural resources because they aint comin from "your backyard" then i feel very sorry for you, I really do.

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Please don't let this debate devolve into name calling. I know you are all capable of carrying on a rational debate without foul language and bashing each other. So let's stick to the facts and make your points without the personal attacks.



Amanda you are absolutely right I shouldn't have gone to that level. I apologize to you and to the entire CWT family. When you love the outdoors as much as I do, it gets hard not to get carried away.

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I probably recyle more metal every month than you can dream of. not because i want to save the planet but because there is good money in it and if i didnt recyle the stuff it would end up in the dump or even worse, someone else would get the cash from it. and you probably didnt know, alot of recycled copper and whatnot ends up at the dang copper mines who intern recycle it into useful products. Dont dare talk to me about reusing metals, I may not do it for the "green enviro" reasons you do it for but none the less I do my part pal. i live under no rock but instead live among the rocks, the same rocks that have to be crushed and smeltered inorder for you and i to have the freedom and resources to have our petty debate. take the time, stop and think and wonder, where does everything that you use on a daily basis come from??? if you want to be dependent soley on foreign natural resources because they aint comin from "your backyard" then i feel very sorry for you, I really do.



Don't by any means think I am a "greenie" or an "Enviro" I just don't think the pros of the mine there out weigh the cons. What would make me shut-up about this mine is if I could see that all of the precautions used are on a higher standard than what the govt. requires. I absolutely understand we need the copper, my business depends on it in its entirety. I install communications, every bit of it contains copper. I WANT TO BALANCE WHAT WE TAKE, WHERE WE TAKE IT AND HOW WE TAKE IT. Is that so hard to understand?

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I understand your frustration with the mine, point is, they aren't going to go above and beyond gov. regulations (too expensive as it is to follow the regulations already in place). Most of the good mine sites, no matter what the minerals are, will be on good hunting land(that's just where the stuff in the ground is found) personally the scar of the land doesn't bother me to the extreme because I have seen first hand how mines and animals coexist. Point being, if you dont like it, fine, I'm not telling you to like it, I'm telling you to get used to it because that mine is coming to those mountains no matter what anyone says. Again, if it wasn't your back yard would you be so strongly apposed to it? The jobs produced, the minerals sold, and the taxes brought in for Arizona will suprise most.

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by the way, if water tables and quality are some of your worries, alot of folks have drank out of every river and water well in the greenlee county area (myself included) and we dont have three eyes or tails.

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