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Anyone planning on hunting with a supressor this year?

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Curiouse? Anyone planning on hunting with a supressor this year? Here is my thought. I have to check into this and maybe some of you can shed some light on it. I will call game and fish berore hand if not 100% clear.


I have been seeing alot of Coatimundi on trail cam. I would like to take 1 at some point and have it mounted. Season opens Sep 1st. and ovelaps with Archery deer. I know they changed the law in 2010 allowing one to carry a handgun with a barrel no longer than 6" and no scope or electronic device. So I was wondering if I could carry my supressed .22 caliber ruger 22/45 lite and take one should the opportunity arise. Barrel is shorter than 6" open sites and it is quiet with sub sonic ammo.


This is not mine but pretty much the exact same setup.





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They recently passed new laws allowing suppressors for hunting along with high capacity magazines. My concern would be when they go into effect.

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Its illegal to use anything that silences a firearm....


HB 2728: Allows suppressors for hunting in AZ. This bill was signed by the governor on March 29, 2012. Here is a link to the fact sheet and changes to ARS 17-309 and ARS 17-251.


Fact Sheet





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Here is the info for lifting the magazine restriction if anyone is interested as well.




HB 2640: Removes the magazine round limit on firearms. This bill was signed by the governor on March 21, 2012. Here is the link to the fact sheet and the amendments to ARS 17-231.


Fact Sheet





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So its 100% legal to hunt with any magazine and supressor or has it not gone into effect?

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If I was going to spend good $$$ have a critter mounted than I would want the fur to be prime and this only happens in late winter here in arizona ...I have shot Coatis in October and they are scruffy! Who cares what ya shoot it with! Is it really worth $mounting$ or would a hero picture and then pitch the stinkin thing in the brush more realistic scenario?

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I think it would be a neat conversation piece added to a collection. That's just me I guess. You would be suprised how many people even hunters or outdoorsmen don't even know what they are.

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So its 100% legal to hunt with any magazine and supressor or has it not gone into effect?

It is in effect now. I believe it was either 45 or 90 days after it was signed that it went into effect.

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So here is my question, where is the Arizona Statue that defines this? I would gladly use a surpressor when hunting especially if I am in a party with multiple tags....it would keep the area just a little less spooked.


I read the HB but could not find it when I tried to cross reference it in the ARS...did I not see something that you guys are? I would just want something concrete so that if I am stopped or questioned that there is no grey area.

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I think it would be a neat conversation piece added to a collection. That's just me I guess. You would be suprised how many people even hunters or outdoorsmen don't even know what they are.

Yes they do look cool when mounted so do the Ringtail Cats I saw a Bobcat mount witha a Ringtail drooping dead from its mouth!

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Does any know where you can purchase a Silencer for any firearm


What caliber are you planing on purchasing it for? Are you familiar with the process of owning an NFA item?

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