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hunting essay help

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i am writing a persuasive essay on hunting and know that is has benifits but what are the best benifits from hunting. any input would help. i am trying to persuade readers that hunting is a good sport.

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I've read that several agencies in the east use bowhunters to manage nuisance deer population in urban areas. You could probably do a search on bowhunter magazines site & find some info on that. They use bowhunters instead of rifleman, due to the close proximety to houses & personal property, etc. From what I've read, these programs sound pretty effective & the people are happy to have their gardens free of deer.

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This essay will be easy to find information on. Ecological benefits(animals at carrying capacity) will be well substantiated with scientific studies. Govt agencys benefit from taxes and license fees collected. Economy benefits from all us nimrods spending so much to go hunting. The individual hunter benefits spiritually/emotionally for spending time in the woods and getting back to their primal roots. Hopefully this helps and good luck on your essay.


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How many sports can an entire family be a part of, girl or boy, man or woman, old or young, rich or poor, spending true quality time together.

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A key point in any hunting essay is self reliance, responsibility, and family involvement. If you butcher the meat yourself or with family, it drives the point even harder. A comaraderie amongst hunters is something to look forward to every year.


Hunting is truly organic. Meat that has been harvested during a hunt contains no additives or steroids.


(Personal opininon:) Most hunters understand geography, cartography, topography and meteorology more than a non-hunter. The ability to read a map and not get lost will help anyone planning to take up flying. Staying oriented is something most schools can't teach. Flying school will require cartography classes, and you'll be miles ahead.


The ability to "walk" a friend to the deer bedded down in your binoculars by description of the rock formations and the alignment of certain trees and plants shows an aptitude of descriptive reference.





Good Luck



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When people ask me why I hunt I respond by saying " I hunt so that I can see and experience the things I see." There is a lot more to it than that but that's an easy answer. I was just wondering to myself the other day what do people without passion in their lives do? What is their purpose? Do they wonder what is missing in their lives? Not that I think my life is somehow more important than anyone elses I just don't know what I would do without the passion for hunting that I have. That passion drives me not just in hunting but in everything I do. My world revolves around hunting. I don't know how to answer your question because I don't know how to put into words the madjestic experiences I've had the privlege of having. I feel that any sport or hobby or just life lived without passion is lacking. Hunting has taught me this. I have friends and then I have my hunting buddys. You can't get any closer to people than when you go out and rely on eachother to survive. Hunting has showed me what true friendship is, what hard work is, what family means to me, and what a wonderful world we have waiting for us just outside the city lights.

Sorry for rambling on, just my 2 cents.

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Have you really ever seen the lively face of a young kid light up when they get to see all of the things in nature that accompany hunting?...the way they want to experience it more and more....the way they learn how everything works together in nature to help keep populations of species moderated so disease and starvation do not occur as badly, this includes hunters in it.....or going out into the field and letting someone who is disabled in some way, possibly blind, successfully take an animal in nature. It is all just amazing.

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