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Arizona looses court case!

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Guest Lark Hubbard

new mexico already rolled over. did it years ago with the landowner permits. uso was an instigator of that too. i say Arizona for Arizonans. 10% is enough. maybe a guy shouldn't blame non-residents, but i'm going to. if for no other reason than it's any easy place to put blame and out of state license plates are easy to spot in the woods. i'm through being a nice guy. and any uso guide better make a wide path around me. you uso guides hear me? i mean it. stay away from this child. you see me, go to another mountain. i'm about to be the same way with game wardens. after you jokers have hung us out to dry as many times as you have, forget it. i ain't your friend anymore. here's one more thing to think about. taulman has his "hunters pool". guys give him big bucks to apply for hunts. if they don't get drawn he keeps the money until next year. draws interest on it, buys trucks, pays for lawyers, whatever he needs. now the azg&f, in their infinite wisdom, has gone to this &^%&* online draw system. only costs 5 bucks to apply. nothing out of pocket unless you get a tag. ok, it might be sorta convenient, but who does it benefit most? Joe Arizona Hunter or uso and the other outfitters who also who have these hunter pools? think abouy it. looks pretty convenient for them, too me. what do you guys think? i think the first that needs to go is the online applications. as far as the outfitters, let's hear from some of them. so far 2 guys who are pretty small time have replied to this post. where's the big timers? tell us your thoughts, and tell the truth.

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there seems to be alot of wisdom and passion in these posting,after venting ,the only way to really count is to organize,anyone know how to contact all groups and get everyone (hunter) in Arizona on the same page,we support hunting and have a duty to see it survives in this state for the citizens here ,not rich money grubbing guides(USO),I am a lifetime member of the elk foundation,NRA,Arizona deer association member,and Arizona elk foundation member .......there has to be a way to get everyone invloved.....open to any oganizing ideas..........meeting is at the fairgrounds at noon today,stiil dont quite get what a phone conference can acomplish ? Steve

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Guest AZlifer

I can't beleive this is happening! It was hard enough for us residents to get drawn for premier hunts before but now... I think raising the rates for non-residents WILL help with us get good tags. Most people don't come here all the way from their home state to hunt any ol' spot. They want what we want...trophy hunts!

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I don't know exactly whats going to happen but I will make a pretty solid prediction that come November, Lark will be in the Greenlee county jailhouse in Morenci on destruction of property, assault, battery and maybe even some worse charges because he ran into one of Taulmans camps. I will start up a bail collection fund at that point :angry:

Free RLH!!! :angry:


Bret M.

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Guest Lark Hubbard

c'mon brett, i'm a nice guy. i put griz to flight one day by PS knoll. lyin' no good pig. he's about as tough as a schoolgirl. lookin' tough don't cut it. i just yelled at him loud and he tucked tail and ran. i won't go outta my way to do anything stupid, but i will not give any quarter, period. uso is gonna go around me. i'll leave the vigilante stuff to others. anything i do will be right in someone's face. my cousin owns the 4 drag. uso likes to camp on his place. think i'll see if he'll change his mind about that. there are things we can all do. start out by writing a well thought out letter and send it to duane shrouf and all the members of the commission. tell em how mad you are about this and how you don't think they have everyday Arizona's best interests at heart. gripin' on the internet does absolutley no good. and vote out napalitano. get that carpetbagger the heck outta Az. she's a clinton/reno federal court appointee that stayed. the state of Az. has no place in her heart. and lets make some changes in the game and fish. make them work for us. the guys that pay the bills. when was the last time they did anything good for us? i can't remember them doing anything but take, take, take from us and give, give, give to the wolf lovers, treehuggers, antitrappers, feds, birdwatchers, etc. we pay for all conservation in Az. all of it. huggers do not donate any money to conservation. all their money goes to litigation. the reason this happened is because a weak gutless administrator (shrouf) and our "Az. can go to heck" governor stood by and watched it. never should have made it as far as it did in court. i learned a long time ago that when something is inevitable, if you jump in and make the rules, instead of letting a committee do it, it turns out a lot better. they should have seen this and made some small concession and been done with it. instead they ran off with tail tucked, like griz, and let the judges decide it. a judge ain't never gonna rule in favor of the minority. we're the minority. it's Az. against the rest of the country. anyway, i'm done. the P!$$ on uso bumper stickers are being made as we speak. but i'm not movin' over for anyone anymore. go around, outfitters and nonresidents.

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Guest summer

Hey where can I get one of those bumper stickers I will pay good money for one :angry:

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MY best friend has a family member who is a sticker maker. any suggestions on what to make? i'll sell them for cost.

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Guest Ernesto C

What??? Are we being sleeping with the enemy??


This is ugly,there some outfitters that belong to the elk and deer foundation or assoc. so how are they going to support us the arizonians?


And the outfitters from Az. they will benefit from this ruling? Oh my, I will only see elk for now on in the movies?


Lark I vote for you as our new governor.


Ernesto C.

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How about the little guy doing his duty on the uso outfitters. I am with lark I will go out of my way to make them drive of the road into the brush to get around me because HOSS aint moving over for them. I would like to start finding out where they have there camps. So we can start getting in there way and put a stop to there hunts.


I am even in favore of a boycott on our Game and Fish. If all of us Arizonans don't put in for a couple of years they will fill a bit of a pinch. heck we will not get drawn for those couple years anyway right.

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:angry: i agree w/ lark i think publically the az g&f will say they dont like it, but THEY are the benefactors of this garbage w/ the increase in monies they are sure to recieve from the influx of non residents.. where the stench of lawyers and the uso exists the smell of money is not far behind or in this case ahead! like everything else these dollars will be diverted to cover some of the inadaqucies of gov naps other stupid decisions and we'll never here about it!!!! there is a bright side to all this, archery turkey is over the counter and ends shortley before the archery bull elk starts, just camp a few days longer and maybe youll be close to these uso pukes and in the intrest of educating our kids, of course, you can stomp around and show the kids how much fun elk hunting could have been and call in some elk too, and share the land if ya know what I mean. just a thought.

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Everyone please be careful about making threats in e-mails. Prosecuters have made cases (stalkers and threats to do bodily harm and/or damaging property) by documenting e-mails.

The enemy here is money and people's greed for it. The Dept has a need for it but not a lust for it like the other party involved.

The Dept's problem is political correctness. They pussy-foot around lions, bears, ranchers, animal activists, sportsman's groups, and judges. Now they're getting bit hard - which means WE are getting bit hard. The Dept is finally upsetting the group that they really can't afford to allienate: the sportsmen.

We have always paid the bill, now it looks like we're gonna have to get more involved than that.

Kick, scream, yell and raise a ruckess, but do it in a forum that will benifit the cause and not hurt us. Maybe now we'll attend more meetings. (letting USO sponsors feel a boycott also sounds good).

We need to let the game Dept know how we feel for sure, but outright attacking them will not help. That is self destruction.

You think the Commission is a beuracracy? Well kick 'em out, let the state (Govenor) put together a new agency and THEN see what you got!!!!!

We need the Game dept and the Commission. We just need to help them find their backbone - that means support.


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This is the verbage from the ruling.


"Because the cap plays a role in the drawing system used to determine which hunters will receive a permit to hunt bull elk and antlered deer north of the Colorado River, the judge's ruling forces the Game and Fish Commission to find a method to distribute this year's fall hunt permits in a way that won't discriminate against out-of-state hunters".


The wording "north of the colorado river", units 12 &13.


Is the 10% cap for non-residential tags state wide or is only in units north of the colorado river?


I may be mistaken and correct me if I am. I was reading it that this ruling only affects units north of the colorado river.


Can someone help me decipher this?



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That's EXACTLY the way it reads, "NORTH OF THE COLORADO RIVER" What exactly does this mean??? :angry:

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The cap appiles for deer units ONLY aboe the C river 12 & 13, BUT


The cap appiles to ALL BULL ELK, ANT, BIG HORN SHEEP, AND BUFFALO (they really only wanted the strip and to hunt bull ELK that is why they sued, only deer and ELK were mentioned in the suit thats why the cap will still apply to other speicies\).


I read this a couple of time in the reqs to understand it.



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Thank you for the clarification.



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