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Guest wdenike


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Bi-Partisanship requires a President that can stand up and be a man. Our current President has shown that he is nothing but a liar and a snake, even though the Right has tried to work with him, and they ended up getting burned. He has one ideal, and that is his own. It is President's like Obama, who only want to divide this country, create separation, and racial tension, and use that to advance the Loony left ideals. Obama does not compromise. Those on the Right know this, and that is why they will not compromise either, with the possible exception of the RINO's.


Compromise and progression are fine, as long as it benefits the entire nation, and not just the elite Liberal idealists, who are only in it for power, money, and control.


Washington D.C is a political cesspool of, corruption, glad handing, and back room deals. Nothing but a legalized Mafia, and Obama is the current ring leader. All the taxpayers are, is the key to the money train.


Until the time comes where we take the power away from the abusers, we will never see any change. It will only get worse, especially if the Democrats remain in control.


This country was founded as a Republic. The Republican party is far from perfect, but I support the RNC, because it better serves my values as a conservative, and a freedom loving Patriot.


The best place to start is to install term limits for members of Congress. Keep the career, self serving Politicians, from gaining a long term advantage. Too many men with good intentions end up getting sucked into the vortex of corruption that is Washington D.C

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Critter I agree with you for the most part. But there has always been garbage around and it doesn't matter. What matters is sticking to your morals.everyone has their own truth (aka freedom...)and nobody has the right to play god and think they have all the answers as to what is right and what is not. Its important for me to remember that a good person is a good person and that is not dependant on age, race, religion (or lack thereof), orientation, social status....that's their truth and I'm not god so I have no place judging anybody.people of ALL kinds go great things for society every day and for me to ignore those things and dislike someone for having a different belief system then me is a sign of weakness in my character not theirs.that's some of my truth

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And snapshot I agree that progress much benefit everybody not just a certain particular group, regardless of what that group is.that's why compromise is the key.

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A perfect example of the no compromise Lefties, is the Keystone pipeline. A billionaire environmentalist has stalled the Keystone pipeline, based on his donation of $100 million dollars to support the Dem's in the upcoming Mid-terms. There is no sound reason not to proceed with the pipeline. Obama put it on hold, indefinitely.

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Yup that's one example.but I'm talking big picture. Obama sucks.so did bush. I agree.but that's not the biggest issue, our ineffective congress is.

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Dustin... a few key observations in your commentary: "everyone has their own truth" and "nobody has the right to play god and think they have all the answers to what is right and what is not"


These are some common beliefs I've heard from atheists and what not but if you are a Christian you understand it's bogus. I don't know your religious beliefs but just making an observation. There are a few things I've learned and one of those is if you follow your own "truth" you end up no where. Following your own "truth" is just another way of living your way and not Gods way and in the liberal's mind it becomes a valid excuse to do whatever you want and it's perfectly fine because that is my way and we need to be accepting of each other (Progressivism). It's a flawed approach to life in my opinion and according to the bible.


Second... you're right no one has the right to play God. But I believe there are Absolutes in life... in other words you know what is right and wrong. Your conscience will tell you. Stealing is wrong... but if someone studying their own truth feels it is right I am suppose to accept it? Doesn't matter who you are... it is just wrong. What I am getting at is it is Ok to understand right and wrong as an absolute without Judging someone. I have lots of friends that do not think like I do but I don't judge them... we're still friends.


No one said anything about "disliking" someone because they have a different belief system as you implied. I "dislike" their belief system and won't compromise to it plain and simple and I could be friends with someone with that belief system and just maybe my belief system would wear off on them.

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Our Congress is not being held accountable by the people. It's easy to get them voted in, much harder to get them out.


Starting on May 26th, the Political group "Term Limits", will start start petitioning all 50 states to use article 5, to impose term limits on the U.S Congress.

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There is no need to give in to the looney left on gun rights, free speech, 4th amendment rights, etc. when it comes to DC there is nothing wrong with gridlock. the less DC does the better off we are.

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Its absolutely possible to have your own truth and live by it.there are always consequences, good or bad.and if someone's truth is to steal you might as well accept it, its none of your business and they will pay the consequences.my truth is to try my best to see my gods will for me and to follow it to the best of my ability.but I don't pretend I know what that is.and I've come to that through great adversity and pain in my life, and I wasn't raised religious, but I've known god through my personal life experience and seeking him out. I'm in no way anti religion, but to me, as Johnny cash sang, gods not a stained glass window or a book.

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I might as well accept someone's "truth" of stealing? Ha. It's my business if they're stealing from me... They'll feel the consequences alright. Dustin you keep on keep'n on thinking it's ok to just accept the evils of this world as "someones truth" It's quite the fantasy of what is right and wrong I'd say... Yes it is "absolutely possible to have your own truth" that was not argued by anyone.....


I'm not sure you're understanding my point so I'll put it in a bit more simple manner.... It's ok to hate the crime or wrongdoing without hating the person.

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But why even dislike their belief system? Why not just accept it and respect it and treat people by the content of their character instead.there's a lot or people out there with different beliefs, and everybody thinks they are right. How can we accept anybody to respect our beliefs if we put our noses in the air to theirs?its all about being a good person.if someone's beliefs teach others are doomed because they don't believe, so be it.doesn't mean you can't treat them with respect like religion teaches either way.

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Dustin... are you actually reading and absorbing my comments? Why dislike their belief system? uh...because it's wrong and I don't agree with it. Is there a law saying I have to agree with them? No one said you shouldn't treat someone by the content of their character... but if it is in their character to wrong me or someone else I don't have any respect for their crappy belief system. Why is this difficult to understand!? I'm not going to continue arguing with you... please re-read my comments.

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I didn't know we were arguing... My point is simply that just because you don't like the fact that others have different beliefs then you does NOT make them wrong... There are a ton of people that think you're beliefs are crappy.but that's irrelevant because nobody knows we just do the best we can.there's no law, I was just saying that judging someone on their character not their beliefs is the moral thing in my opinion.I'm reading and absorbing your comments.I respect what you're saying. I'm just sharing my view too.

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