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Guest wdenike


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Now that they've already levied a substantial increase in capital gains taxes for investments im kind of doubting they're going to mess with them in any way that would reduce their take on it. I paid so much taxes on my stock sales from last year I honestly question why I didn't just toss that money into a pillow case in the closet. Guess that leads us to the new american dream: forget about getting wealthy, just try to save enough to escape. O hh, wait! Silly me, there's a 45% exit tax to take funds out of the country even though you've already been taxed on your money.

For those of you that still think this is just about "paying your bills", I'm sure you're happy about paying into Obamacare too because it's the law.
I'm sure you will also be more than willing to give up your personal retirement accounts to the government when Obama passes "MyRA". Afterall, it will be the law. **BTW, if you don't know what MyRA is I suggest you google it. Obama wants to seize your IRA's and 401K's so the government can "reinvest" it for you.
When Bloomberg banned soda, salt and transfats in NYC would you have complied like sheep just because it's the "law"?
When Fienstein takes your guns will you comply because it is the "law"?
Just because it's a law, doesn't make it American or Constitutional. Afterall, Obamacare wouldn't even exist right now if the NSA didn't have dirt on Justice Roberts and the affair he was having. They blackmailed him for a vote for Obamacare. Roberts sold out the American people because he couldn't keep his d1ck in his pants. Corruption.... And I'm tired of it.

The American people now pay more in taxes than they do for food, housing and clothing combined.

I agree with some things that are said on this forum, but some things just sound like complete paranoia! :D "Obama wants to seize your IRA's and 401K's so the government can "reinvest" it for you." Do you really believe that??? :blink: Seriously man, how do you make the jump to "seizing IRA's and 401K's....."??? How do make that correlation?




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Civics lesson for today...The United States of America is NOT a democracy! We are a Constitutional Republic! In a democracy, decision are simply made by majority rule. If anybody here went to a public high school, we all know how well popularity contests work! LOL! Our Founding Fathers were extremely careful to not let our government be a democracy. A democracy is just begging for tyranny!

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April 22nd Hundreds of armed feds invaded the Bundy ranch all because of an unpaid bill. Guess the BLM has never heard of a property lien. But Harry Reid tweeted last week that supporters of Cliven Bundy are domestic terrorists. And Reids son Rory said: We believe in a country in which we are subject to laws and you cant just ignore the laws we dont like. Nice the Reids are suddenly concerned about the rule of law. Unlike Harrys lack of concern with O changing Obamacare 40 times. Or with immigration law that has been ignored for decades. Doubt Reid will finally demand answers on the illegal gunrunning that killed hundreds of Mexicans as well as Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry. And Dingy Harry thinks the IRS targeting of conservatives is hunky dory. Not long ago the feds shut down Gibson Guitar over the use of illegal wood. Gibson donates to conservative causes. So why was Dem contributor & competitor Martin, users of the same wood, given a pass? Selective enforcement is not governance by the rule of law its governance by DC elites and their lobbyist buddies. P

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One of the positive outcomes created by the elite dictator society, is that many Americans are waking up, and taking notice. There will be point in time, where the frogs decide to jump out of the boiling pot, and join the fight. (Hopefully) and then there are those who will always remain......blind sheep.


The biggest long term, negative cause and effect, in our society, is the liberal schools, and Colleges. They are indoctrinating people into the Liberal mindset at an alarming rate. Do anything remotely conservative, or religious, and they kick you out. It is no longer a free thinking and unbiased education system.


The Loony Liberal left, have become masters at exploiting the system. Especially the media. I realize the Republicans have a bunch of Jackwagons in power also, but if the RNC doesn't get their act together, this country, and our way of life, is doomed.

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Just wait and see how much. race baiting , and demonizing, the Democrats will incite, leading up to the mid-terms. Harry Reid has already started it.

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Yesterday I saw an article that claims global warming is racist....and they were dead serious. Today, on MSNBC, there is an article claiming that those fighting for the abolishment of fossil fuels are just like those that fought to end slavery.

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The ironic thing about slavery, and racism? Slavery was abolished by Abraham Lincoln, a republican President. The Democrats wanted to keep control of the slaves. The Race baiters of this nation have long forgotten that fact.


The very people in this country who are always crying "Race", are the biggest racists of all.


The Democrats have made us all "Slaves", just in a different context then 2 centuries ago.

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For starters,the only simularity between republicans and democrats from lincolns time and now is the name and thats all ...Racism is not a republican or democrat issue.... The need to view every issue as strickly 'right or left' instead of 'right or wrong' is exactly the problem in itself.its why congress cannot solve a thing on its own.like it or not our country has always been strongest when the parties of congress work together and come up with compromises that work for the majority.the uncompromising extremes are whats holding our country back.

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The last thing I will do is "compromise" with the progressive liberal extremists who's only goal is to drag this country as far left as they can into an immoral corrupt abyss. It is called having convictions and sticking to what you believe is right. I agree compromise needs to happen in congress but when one party (and/or many certain extreme leftist organizations) attempt to drag this great country into a liberal ideology that would make our forefathers puke... enough becomes enough. I'm talking about politicians that are swayed by orgs such as peta, sierra club, and other anti-hunting loons that want to take away your God given right to hunt/fish/bear arms and don't kid yourself they will do it in a New York minute if they are able. If you ask me, one of the parties has become FAR more extreme than the other... and it is not the republicans. I will always vote for the person (repub or dem) that fights to preserve our traditions and rights as Americans and refuses to compromise those principles. When you start compromising these things which we already have we become our own enemy and only then do we become a weak country. I'm done...

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So what I hear is that the left needs to compromise to come to your ideals and you're not willing to budge...that's exactly the stance much of congress is taking and its getting us nowhere.from where I stand (unbiased moderate that refuses to identify with any political party) I see clearly that people are movin to further extremes both ways and its destroying us.instead of a congress compromising and making policies most can live with, EVERYBODY is losing.and its both sides' fault for not finding a way to swallow pride and learn to work together like its always been done.

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Dustin... I think most of us are all for compromises in congress on most issues. Ex.. monies allowed for a certain project/defense/social security type issues. We can agree on this for sure.


What I am referring to is something much more important. The erosion of our values and traditions as a country. The progressives on the left that push the anything goes mentality are destroying this country and I Refuse to bow down to their BS. Plain and simple. I will not compromise with any Left leaning lib that promotes deterioration of the morals and principles this country was founded on. I see it all over...there is sewer line running out of Hollywood directly into our televisions and it is disgusting what is on Tv now days. I have a 10 mo. old and when he is older he will not watch the filth that is spewed from certain stations. We are in a culture war with the folks that are promoting this crap, as well as the leftists that think hunting/trapping/etc... is evil. I'll never back down or compromise with these cowards on issues that I believe strongly in. Hopefully that clears it up.

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