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Govenors Turkey tag

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The Govenors Turkey tag goes up for auction May 31 in Tucson. The Arizona Chapter banquet will be auctioning off the Turkey, Coues and Javalina tag. Loews Ventana Canyon resort is the place to be.

Pm me if you need more info or have any questions !!




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How much did it go for last year?

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Some one who wanted a Goulds hunt but didn't want to wait 30 years here or didn't want to go to Mexico..............BOB!

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3K aint chit. There was a guy that paid 120k for the Elk tag and didn't go the last weeks of the hunt. Said He had back problems. If I had that kind of $ I would of found a DR. with meds or a needle. I know that was just a status thing with him and his buddies. This was about 6 years ago. He should of at least donated it if it was possible...........BOB!

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Are you kidding? Who in their right mind would pay that for a turkey?

Someone who:

1) Wants to hunt AZ Goulds or Rios really bad.

2) Has disposable income and wants to fund turkey restoration in AZ.


I've got #1 covered, #2 well ... uh, my income is disposed of monthly. I do pick up a few raffle tags for turkey which does help with turkey restoration.

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just to let you know it was 3 years ago i did a phone bid for the tag and i stopped bidding at 4500.00 and i think that was the year some one payed over 5K for the tag,the next year my wife bought it for me at the AZ ELK Society banquet for 3600.oo .and i thougt it was a good deal.I also had a great time on the hunt as i was able to go into alot of the units early and see the birds as early as march .And yes i will be at the SCI banquet to bid again because it is one way that my wife and i like to help donate money to a great cause and if i win the bid super great i get to go hunting for goulds again and if not thats great to because atleast i know that someone else out there fills as i do . I hope to see some of you at the SCI banquet this year and we can all help raise money for a great cause.



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I know outfitters are getting up to 3k for Mexico this year so $3500 is a good deal here with all the time You get. Good luck Mark!...........BOB!

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mark glad your wife won the tag I was the other bidder I know in the past at the sci banquet it sold for as high as 6,000 as I was bidding on that one also the money goes to a great cause and I will keep trying until I get it as I want the Arizona goulds and not from mexico.

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