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Who we are...why we hunt.....agree?

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How thorough my answer is depends on the person asking. Anti-hunters, extreme liberals, those I rarely associate with, might not even get a response as some people are looking for a debate right out of the gate and I know they aren't smart enough to be talked sense into.


If a friend or acquaintance who doesn't hunt is genuinely interested, I would say I hunt for the way it makes me feel: the solitude nature provides with a serious and challenging task at hand, being outsmarted, frequently, the ability to harvest and process organic meat myself, leading to the fact I haven't purchased red meat at the store in years, the time spent and memories made with family, friends and my lab, the way 'life' can free from the mind in a matter of minutes once you hit the mountains or get up in that tree.


I then tell that person if they are interested in seeing what I mean, let me know and we can get you and earth formally introduced. I've never had an intelligent person not respect my response, or at least they didn't tell me so.

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Very nice answer. I do agree that a percentage of the population is just trying to bait hunters into a conflict. True it's usually not worth a response but meat eaters Steven Rinella gave an excellent response to a clear anti hunter awhile ago. It was posted here a year or so ago. Can't find the link.

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I will never set foot near the arctic circle. Neither will I get to spend 20-30 days afield in a year much less a single trip. However, I know what he means about the burning desire to hunt and I too think about it every day. Those three or four days that I do get to go are amazing and keep the smoldering embers just hot enough.

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