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Vowells Monday check in

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They key is my lovely wife who premakes all my meals for me! She makes my dinners 3 days in advance for me because I never know until I get a phone call if I'm headed out of town. Pre planning is key, I make sure I keeped stocked up on healthy foods that I can just grab and go.

I generally calorie count my foods using a app called fitnesspal. I set up a goal weight in what I want to weigh (195lbs) so it tells me how many calories I need to intake per day. (It's tough to keep track) So I buy foods that are low in calories like hard boiled eggs and only eat the whites and not the yokes. I eat anywhere from 6-12 hard boiled eggs a day on top of my other meals. I'm on this weight loss plan called Medifast which I eat 5 of their meal bars a day and then pre make my dinners which are about 6-9 ounces of lean meat (game meat is the best) a long with a salad.

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I know it's not Monday but here it is


199.6 POUNDS!!!!!! I feel like William Wallace....... FREEDOOOOOOOOMMM


From 240.2 lbs on January 7th to 199.6 pounds on March 14th! Lost 40.6 lbs in just over 2 months!!!!

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That's is awesome. I know how hard it is to stick with it while doing what we do. Congrats

I know right! I got on the train at Winslow and my engineer had the family size KFC dinner for us! 12 hours in the cab smelling KFC! I cheated a little bit that day

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That is funny. I have been there. This morning, we had to wait for our rooms for a half hour so the front desk compt us breakfast. I broke my number one rule and went to bed with a belly full of a three egg omelet. That is a sure way to add weight on the road. Sure slept good though.



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Ha ha yes it does


3 eggwhite omelet with smoked Apple wood pico and salsa, very healthy





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Now you are just making me hungry. Venison tamales and beans for dinner for me tonight then another nap. Phone is going to ring around midnight.


Keep up the good work. Hopefully soon you will have a tag to burn the pounds off for. That always gets me motivated.



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I just hit 195 lbs, and am very pleased with the results!!!! Bear season is open now I need to juggle some time off to get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Man I feel great!




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This week I'm down a to 204.4 lbs. that's another 7.8 lbs!!! All I can say is WOW. I feel a lot better, all my clothes are to big now.

I have a pig hunt now, hiked around 8 miles last Friday and tons of scouting before that. Still running every other day, sit ups and push ups. Keeping strong! I have not had fast food for 2 months now!!!

Come on Devan. Let's see some before and after photos man!!

Ha ha! Maybe when I hit 195! Figure another month and I might be there. It's tough!!!! I'm missing Filibertos all the time


You thought I was going to forget. You're there man, 195!! Let's see the photos.

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Ha Ha John, ok u got me. Ill see what I can do

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Way to go Devan! Im impressed!!! i guess brian & I will actually get to eat the donuts we buy, instead of you stealin them all!!!

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Once again, I went through the week watching my diet intake. Stretching/push-ups/sit-ups almost daily. The big workout this past week was my scouting trip Fri/Sat. It was a tough hike back and forth from my truck to the glassing spot. But I made it through. Had my pack at about 30-35lbs I think. I'll need to see if I can shed some weight for my next trip out.


I thought my back would be a lot more sore right now but it isn't bad. I think the little exercise I did to strengthen/stretch helped. Also having my pack set up correctly to have the load on my legs rather than my shoulder helped as well.


Can't wait for the next scouting trip.

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