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"Figure out who is the warden in your unit and call them forest service won't do crap"...............Nor should a AZGFD wildlife manager. Why waste our money attempting to prosecute someone who merely drove past a keep out sign and left without committing any other crime? Arizona is not Texas. Trespassing here is not a serious crime. If I felt as you do, I'd have a sheriff's deputy stake out our driveway and issue tickets to the dozen or more families with little kids who use it every day when then get off the forest service walking path when returning from their "hike" to a pond above us. --- Bill Quimby


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I guess I am of the old Arizona school because I view people who lock me out of land I have hunted for decades to be selfish and lower than the lowest, and those who block free access to public land to be beyond contempt. We own more-than-a-few acres of unfenced whitetail and javelina habitat near the border in Santa Cruz County. Our land is not posted and will never be posted as long as we own it. If we were to learn that someone shot a buck or a javelina on our land, I would congratulate him/her. The animals are not ours, and are free to come and go, which they do regularly. Hunting on our property does it no harm. If we had a house on it, it would be something else. I would expect hunters to not shoot recklessly and to obey the 1/4-mile rule. --- Bill Quimby

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I guess I am of the old Arizona school because I view people who lock me out of land I have hunted for decades to be selfish and lower than the lowest, and those who block free access to public land to be beyond contempt. We own more-than-a-few acres of unfenced whitetail and javelina habitat near the border in Santa Cruz County. Our land is not posted and will never be posted as long as we own it. If we were to learn that someone shot a buck or a javelina on our land, I would congratulate him/her. The animals are not ours, and are free to come and go, which they do regularly. Hunting on our property does it no harm. If we had a house on it, it would be something else. I would expect hunters to not shoot recklessly and to obey the 1/4-mile rule. --- Bill Quimby

Well said. I support private property rights, but to many people lose track of the things that matter. Lands been there forever and will be long after we are all gone. Only bad thing is, if you allow access to everyone, there's always some A-holes that have to ruin it for everyone. People that block access to public land are the lowest of low.

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I do not believe in fence nor do I have keep out signs every 50 ft - almost all of it borders state trust land and I can understand and have no real problem with people hunting on it but I don t think I'm wrong in posting off the entrance to the driveway - if the only way I can do it is with a cable or a gate so I can have some privacy on my own land - so be it


Had a guy and his son walk up from the gate and ask about the road because G&F habi map showed it as an open road . At least they knew what a gate meant-- I told him where to hunt and he got a cow elk that year .

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So respect landowners rights to limit access to their land. I am sure you could walk around the private to hunt state land. There are usually ways around but it may be hoofing it instead of riding in a vehicle. I think the problem is the map shows incorrectly. The landowner still has a right to stop access across their land if it is not a public road, at least that is the law here. I know Wy is really bad on trespassing and it is the hunters responsibility to know where they are. You should have a land access map or two and know if it is private land or not. I got the onX hunt app. on my phone for the trial period through RMEF. Every unit I hunt the land ownership FS or BLM map has lined up with it.


From what I read the OP does not want vehicle traffic on his land. I did not read anything about keeping everybody off but just the vehicle traffic. Possibly from the map marked incorrectly as it being a through road and it is not. Hence the gate or cable to stop vehicles. Maybe I missed the fencing the whole property and putting up signs at the appropriate distance.


If that is a commercial plate maybe it is somebody verifying it is not a through road to correct the map issue?

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I've driven past many private property signs to get to houses so I can ask permission to hunt their land or for access thru their land to public land. I've met some really good people and a few close friends by trespassing. Maybe that's what this guy was tryin to do?

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Im still not gettin it some are saying the guys a low life for not allowing people to cross his posted land , do people not have respect for others property ? i get on my kids butt for crossing through the neighbors yard instead of the side walk , this is what is going wrong with this country no respect for others and their stuff !! growing up in Iowa we hunted alot of private land with permission ,maybe thats what the guy in the pick was doin looking for the owner who knows ? but just some of the comments on this topic did your parents not teach you respect ? i dont say much on most hunting sites beacause its turned into a Whine and Moan outlet most but you all will do what you to find loop holes to get your way its just a shame and youll teach your kids to do the same !!!

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There's lots of private property signs in AZ on roads, in some cases only the a small section is private but there is legal access to use the road to get to the public land. Those signs just let you know that a section is off limits. Its not always clear what the situation is.

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And as a responsible Hunter you should know and get permission where need be not go in thinking they cant stop me or just do it anyway . its all goes with scouting lots of homework !!

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Lets take the Big Bo ranch in unit 10 for example. It's private property and they own it. They do allow vehicles in certain areas and you can drive across their land to retrieve a downed animal . NO atvs, side by sides etc... allowed and that is their right. IT"S private. All hunters wishing to use this prime elk area obey these rights as they want to continue to hunt an area that has great elk. If they didn't they could stop all hunting completely. Granted, elkaholic owns a much smaller area, But IT"S private. He should be able to say who, when and where anyone can use it. If he follows the state law on providing access if needed then he is doing his part to follow the law. Why can't others do the same. IMO it is the hunter, backpacker or whomever is there to find out where and how he is able to use the land before just going into it and then finding out it's private. It's called do diligence. MO

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