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being optimistic, I have a few questions

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First time bow hunting and prefer to be prepared, so I have a few questions as I plan on trying the gutless method and hate to waste any usable meat:


1. For those that do the gutless method, what do you do with the rib meat? any videos on this method only show the quarters.

2. I dont necessarily need the head or antlers, as I am not planning on mounting, is it okay to leave with carcass?

3. Given #2, where should I apply the tag? I was planning on deboning in the field, or is that not a good idea?

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1. You can get the rib meat out without much of an issue. The quicker you get to it, the less bloat from the rumen, the better. There is too much variation in the size/species of the deer and configuration as it lay in the field to know for sure, but last time after I removed the rear quarters, there was some room to pull the guts back a little bit and out of the cavity so they weren't pressured against the rib cage. Take your time and don't insert the knife into the rumen. Get the good meat away and do the ribs last in case you do puncture it.


2. You need to cut off at least the skull cap and prove it's an antlered deer.


3. Apply it to the antler. Deboning in the field is the way to go.

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I do the gutless to get quarters and back strap off as quick as possible. Then I open the cavity to get loins, heart and liver. Don't forget the neck meat makes great chili meat.

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In AZ Your tag says antlered or antlerless. Keeping proof of sex of the animal is irrelevant. If you kill a buck/bull you need to keep the head / antlers until you drop carcass off at processor or arrive at home and process the meat yourself.

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I like the way you think,planning for success...

I don't use the gut-less method ,so sorry no help there...

I de-bone in the field and attach tag to antlers...

You will need to bring out the head/reproductive organs to prove animals sex...

Tag can be filled out and attached to a leg/tag filled out, sticky backing removed and placed with boned meat...


Good Luck...

I didn't know you have to bring the sex organ with you. I know Wyoming says that

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Never understood the gutless deal. Doesn't take but maybe 10 minutes to gut a big bull elk. Get the guts out, get the cooling started, reduce the weight so you can roll em around to finish skinning and breaking down the carcass. I always take the heart and liver too. I also always carry a Wyoming saw. After you get the front legs, backstraps, neck etc removed, it's real easy to cut through the rib bones and pack em out. Lark

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If I am able to drag the animal to where I have my processing equipment such as a cooler etc. I ALWAYS clean the meat, de-bone and portion out the meat. I just love arriving home with everything ready for the freezer after a long hunt/drive.


If I have help- I gut the animal and hang it for dressing. Much easier to maneuver and cleaner.


If I am by myself- gutless method and game bag/pillow case it until I can get somewhere to process it. Takes a more time to get all the meat but no big deal.


+1 to keep the antlers with it and the tag until you're home.


Don't want the antlers? sell the head or donate to some of the guys on here who can use them for projects (I'll take them for that matter. I got scouts who love making things with them).


The only wrong method is the one that is wasteful. Good luck to you and be sure to post up pics if you get one on the ground!

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I didn't know you have to bring the sex organ with you. I know Wyoming says that





Even ol Kaitlyn won't leave home without it.

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