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Land of the Sun endurance race

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Please join me in wishing DeAnn (WizdoMagic) on this site in her race tomorrow. She and her quarab Expresso have been training hard, should be a good race!


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Good luck! Would you be willing to share some details about the race?

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Good luck! Would you be willing to share some details about the race?

sure. There's about 50 riders in a looped course out at Boyds Ranch in Wickenburg. I don't know how well the trail is marked, she cant read maps well. Told her to stay back several spots and stalk the leaders so you don't get lost. Turn it on in the home stretch.


There's a pre race vet check, one halfway and another at the end. Mandatory 30 minute cool down Midway. The horse has to get his pulse down to i believe 90 BPM before going on or getting a time at the finish. If the heart rate doesn't come down in a set time, you're disqualified. I guess having horses collapse dead takes the fun out of it.


So the better conditioned your horse is, quicker you're on your way.


Her horse is an Arabian qhorse mix she bred, we own the dam. Grand sire was a Thoroubred who was confirmed to geneticly posses the x factor chromosome. We haven't tested this mount for the x factor. It's commonly transmitted via the dam but he is only 900#s but has the heart girth of a 1500# horse. I rode him as a 3 year old, put 300#s on him and he rarely breaks a sweat working.


Points from the races go towards the Tevis cup Race in CA

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like the movie Hidalgo?

Well, there is a 50 miler too. But if she and the horse come home after eating dates and locust, shes gonna need to floss before kissing me.

At the end of the movie Hidalgo, he releases the horse into the wild. Problem is as the horse runs off hes still wearing horseshoes...lol


thanks for all the well wishes While shes racing, I'm at a neighboring friends place learning to hitch and drive teams. My elk will be so big I'm going to need this pair to retrieve my elk this fall.

Drove the buggy around today, I couldn't help but imagine having retrieved my 400" bull using these matched Begium mollies and having that elk in the back of the buggy.



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Hey he carried cold beer and sandwiches all day with no foam ups, he deserved a kiss.

Did you take the time to toast the bread?

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