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Whats the Weirdest?

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I had two spotted fawns and a small forked horn come into a spring i was hunting 3 times during an archery hunt one year.


My daughter and I watched two does and two fawns being chased by a coyote while out muzzy hunting. Somehow one of the does was able to turn the tables and she chased that sucker for almost a mile --taking swipes at him whenever she got close enough. My daughter and I kept hoping that she would connect and send him a$$ over tea kettle..

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Back in 2000 while scouting for an elk hunt in 5bn we came back to camp which was right off of Marshall Lake road right about 100 yards before you hit the cattlegaurd. I couldn't figure why everybody kept slammin on the brakes before the hit the gaurd. I started cooking some lunch and heard some loud music in the next camp over and then I started to hear some arguing, so I investigated the problem. I started glassing through the trees, and to my surprise were a guy and a girl arguing, but the girl was topless. Apparently she was laying out on a chair so everybody that drove past got a good show. I know I got one. :lol: David

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Back in 2000 while scouting for an elk hunt in 5bn we came back to camp which was right off of Marshall Lake road right about 100 yards before you hit the cattlegaurd. I couldn't figure why everybody kept slammin on the brakes before the hit the gaurd. I started cooking some lunch and heard some loud music in the next camp over and then I started to hear some arguing, so I investigated the problem. I started glassing through the trees, and to my surprise were a guy and a girl arguing, but the girl was topless. Apparently she was laying out on a chair so everybody that drove past got a good show. I know I got one. :lol: David



Some people have all the luck!!!!

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The weirdest thing I ever saw was a mountain lion jump the deer I'd just shot. After I recovered from the recoil of the the shot and looked back at the deer I noticed something redish brown wrapped around the front end of the deer. It turned out to be a lion that had apparently been stalking the deer and attacked it when the deer reacted to being hit. I then took 3 shots at the lion and missed them all before it split the scene. The next morning the rancher who owns the ranch where I was hunting took a lion hunter and his dogs to the spot. The deer remains had been eaten and the dogs got right on the trail from there. After a four hour chase they got the lion and it had some of my deer ribs in its stomach. J. Wms. PS. One of my greatest regrets is that I missed that lion.

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Sounds to me like Tyson seen CHD out in the hills............

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About six years ago on a turkey hunt in unit 8 we came upon an accident in which the young man driving south of Williams died after impacting a tree, on mothers day of all days. I still say a prayer every year on mothers day for his poor mother. The most exciting memory for for me was in 1971. I was 9. My uncle and were fishing on a stream in the White Mountains and came across a couple pickniking on the bank of the stream, we said our pleasantries and continued fishing. After limiting out we were heading back to the truck and when we passed back by the tree where they the were having thier picknik they were naked and doing, well you know what! My uncle picked me up and hightailed it out of there. He spent the rest of the summer trying to explaine to me what they were doing. He is 80 now and still doesn't have an answer. But me 2 kids later, I figured it out.

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The weirdest thing I ever saw was a mountain lion jump the deer I'd just shot. After I recovered from the recoil of the the shot and looked back at the deer I noticed something redish brown wrapped around the front end of the deer. It turned out to be a lion that had apparently been stalking the deer and attacked it when the deer reacted to being hit. I then took 3 shots at the lion and missed them all before it split the scene. The next morning the rancher who owns the ranch where I was hunting took a lion hunter and his dogs to the spot. The deer remains had been eaten and the dogs got right on the trail from there. After a four hour chase they got the lion and it had some of my deer ribs in its stomach. J. Wms. PS. One of my greatest regrets is that I missed that lion.



WOW!!! i thought i had been the only one who knows somebody who that happened to. a long time hunting partner or my dad and myself had that happen to his son! awesome!

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Last year coming down from a mountain, i came around a sharp corner and there in the middle of the road was a coues doe picking up a rabbit with it mouth. The deer gave us the "deer in headlights" look and dropped the rabbit and ran off. Very weird, the rabbit looked dead. I still don't have any ideas on why the deer would do that.

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Man, I've got a ton of "weird" stuff that I've seen.......especially because of all the time i've spent out in the woods with Shortypants! :lol: I have seen and heard the crazy mating rituals of the porcupine, and always thought the screams and moans were because of the quills :lol: :ph34r: The craziest and saddest thing I've found has to be when my brother and I found a human leg, the sad part was that it was from a young person :( The scariest happened last year and I still have no explaination for it. A client and I were set up on a tank about 2 hours before light on the late elk hunt. The temps were at a record low last year and I know it was below zero that morning. We packed in our sleeping bags to sit in and stay warm and had just gotten comfortable and turned our headlamps off. All of a sudden branches broke not more than 15 yrds behind me and "something" started screaming it's head off at us! The critter or creature I should say, sounded like it wasn't very big by the sounds of the branches and sage breaking as it ran sideways to my right. It kept screaming as it moved and you could tell it would turn away as it screamed and then turn toward us while still screaming. I was all tied up in my sleeping bag trying to get out and finally got the light on it but I could never see any eyes even though it was still within 30 yrds or so! The screams were something I've never heard before anywhere! I've been in the woods huntin and chasin critters my whole life and I believe I've had encounters with almost every critter in this state, but this was somethin' new!!! The screams were very loud, very angry, and non-stop! My client was yelling at me "what the --- is that" and I was yelling " I don't ----- know! over and over again as I tried to get the light on it. The problem was that each time I breathed out the frost from my breath blocked out my light and I couldn't see past it! I don't know why I did it, I think because I had to just know what it was, but I took off running after it! The critter stayed ahead of me and I could tell it would stop and scream back at me and then start running again! My client was too afraid to stay so he was runnin' behind me yelling " what the --- do you think you're doing?" This client NEVER cusses so this obviously had him shook up too! This lasted for several hundred yards and then it shut up and dissappeared! I looked after it had gotten daylight and couldn't find any tracks but I was originally guessing it was a Javalina, bobcat or lion, but it sounded like neither! What ever it was it was very upset with us! I got the goosebumps all over again just writing about it! Maybe it was a Chupacabra?! :P Thanks, JIM>

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alright......Tyson wins 1st place without a doubt!!!! I will have to seek counseling after reading that! JIM>

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Guys, I have had Jim tell me that story face to face, and I can tell you from the look in his eyes he was truely scared s!@# less!!! Cant say that I blame him!



All though, he is a huge pee-pee pants, so who knows? It was probably a little squirrel trying to get warm and he over reacted!

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Huge pee-pee pants? Little squirrel? That twernt no squirrel, and I have no clue what a pee-pee pants is :P The only thing that makes sense somewhat is a young Javalina or lion, but I can't see a Javi out at 3:30 in the am and it's below zero out? It ran as fast as I was and would only stay about 30 to 50 yards ahead of me, plus it would stop when I stopped! I kept trying to hold my breath and move to the side so I could see past my breath with my headlamp, but I could never see eyes! It didn't sound like it was a hoofed animal, as it was really quiet while running...BUT it broke quite a few branches as it side stepped around the back of my blind! Craziest thing ever! Shortypants had two lions sneaking in on him the previous year while sitting the same blind after dark.......heard something and noticed some big eyeballs in the sage sneaking in on him when he turned his headlamp on! Same year we had a lion eating on a elk quarter hangin in a tree right behind the hunter as he washed his knives in the tank! It could've been a cat I guess.....they make a bunch of wierd noises. JIM>

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Huge pee-pee pants? Little squirrel? That twernt no squirrel, and I have no clue what a pee-pee pants is :P The only thing that makes sense somewhat is a young Javalina or lion, but I can't see a Javi out at 3:30 in the am and it's below zero out? It ran as fast as I was and would only stay about 30 to 50 yards ahead of me, plus it would stop when I stopped! I kept trying to hold my breath and move to the side so I could see past my breath with my headlamp, but I could never see eyes! It didn't sound like it was a hoofed animal, as it was really quiet while running...BUT it broke quite a few branches as it side stepped around the back of my blind! Craziest thing ever! Shortypants had two lions sneaking in on him the previous year while sitting the same blind after dark.......heard something and noticed some big eyeballs in the sage sneaking in on him when he turned his headlamp on! Same year we had a lion eating on a elk quarter hangin in a tree right behind the hunter as he washed his knives in the tank! It could've been a cat I guess.....they make a bunch of wierd noises. JIM>


House cats do a lot of howling & weird noises when in-heat. May be lions do the same & it was some big kitty out lookin for some luvin. She was just playing hard to get, that's why she stayed a short distance ahead of you. Stud.

Matt S. ;)

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