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Looking for a Mr.Heater...Buddy heater

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CO is slightly lighter then air. Best bet is to put the detector about 5 feet off the ground.if that's not possible,put it at about the level you sleep at or a little higher

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Amazon has some of the big buddy heaters in their used warehouse, which is just the returned items, for 93 bucks with tax. I haven't had a problem buying the return items from Amazon, usually 15 percent off a "new" one.

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Just a word from learning from past experience.


When I used the BBQ bottle conversion hose last year during javalina season we had an issue. Every time I would start the heater, the pilot would come on, and every time I would turn it to high heat it would die. Repeatedly. I knew the bottle was full of fuel, but it wouldn't light. It had air in the line, and wouldn't light. I left it run on pilot for about 5 minutes, and then kicked it to full heat and it finally cleared all the air from the lines and ran fan. That was nice because it was going to be a chilly night without the heater.

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