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After ladder test

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I went and shot a ladder test this weekend at 400 and had 3 shots touching at 400 #15,16,17. These rounds do not fit in my magazine so I will have to shorten the coal to fit. Curious if any experience says more or less powder with shorter coal?

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I would keep the charge the same and load several 3 shot groups at different lengths.

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Some do better some do worst. The only way to find out is to test it out. Take you load and and do what dse ^^^^ said.

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Before you go to seating depth testing, I would do charge weight testing.


3 shot groups, in that range, but in .3 grain increments.


Then do seating depth testing at .0400" increments to start.

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If you want to magazine feed, wouldn't it make sense to do another ladder test with the rounds loaded to feedable max magazine length? i am heading to San Diego this weekend for my dad's 70th birthday, but planning on shooting steel the following weekend if you are looking for someone to shoot with. I just picked up a 24" x 30" piece of AR500 and built a target stand. Hard to pass up on that node where the 3 shots are touching, may be worth single feeding.

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