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Tags up for donation

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A freind of mine has 2 tags for 36b wht. Tail. Hunts for heroes speak up. Health issues are the reason for the tags.

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They can call Tom at 480 760 3868. He's had a lot of Deer tags donated already and may not be able to use all of them. There have also been a lot of elk tags donated and the priority right now is to get veterans and volunteer guides matched up to those.

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Hunts for Heroes is always grateful for donated tags, but as Lee (300RUM) already stated, it's a logistics nightmare with last minute tags. At this late date, we just won't be able to make it work with your tags.




Our partnering with Ariz.G&F mandates that we provide the entire hunting experience --- we don't just hand the donated tags over to disabled vets and say "go have fun!" This entails finding willing, knowledgeable volunteers who want to give back to those vets who themselves gave so much.


Yes, H4H has grown exponentially this year. But our success rests directly on the shoulders of selfless volunteers! Truthfully, the number of hunts we're able to put together is limited by the number of outdoorsmen/women who step up to the plate. It just doesn't happen without a solid volunteer army!


We always have need of people who want to assist vets in the field, help with camp set-up / break down, cook, and help with varied logistics. A weekend here and there can work wonders!


In short --- we need more help!!! That means during the next several weeks. Don't think someone else will pick up the reins. YOU be that person!


Those who've already helped out will tell you it's one of the most rewarding things they've ever done ...


Give me a call! (480)760-3868

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Hunts for Heroes is always grateful for donated tags, but as Lee (300RUM) already stated, it's a logistics nightmare with last minute tags. At this late date, we just won't be able to make it work with your tags.




Our partnering with Ariz.G&F mandates that we provide the entire hunting experience --- we don't just hand the donated tags over to disabled vets and say "go have fun!" This entails finding willing, knowledgeable volunteers who want to give back to those vets who themselves gave so much.


Yes, H4H has grown exponentially this year. But our success rests directly on the shoulders of selfless volunteers! Truthfully, the number of hunts we're able to put together is limited by the number of outdoorsmen/women who step up to the plate. It just doesn't happen without a solid volunteer army!


We always have need of people who want to assist vets in the field, help with camp set-up / break down, cook, and help with varied logistics. A weekend here and there can work wonders!


In short --- we need more help!!! That means during the next several weeks. Don't think someone else will pick up the reins. YOU be that person!


Those who've already helped out will tell you it's one of the most rewarding things they've ever done ...


Give me a call! (480)760-3868

Thanks for your reply. I will let my friend know.

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Contact Eddy Corona at OE4A and Wounded Warrior Outdoors. I am donating a tag to them today. He indicated they would have no problem finding hunters to use them.

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