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Preator calling help

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I'm not new to predator hunting but new to predator calling and would really appreciate any help. Have to do something in the off season and what better place to ask for help! I just bought the Prey Master and it came with three sound cartridges which is where I could use some help. Please bear with me here. It came with, baby cottontail, distressed rodent, kid goat distress( what is that) goyote grey fox, desperate conttontail, fawn bleating, pleading chicken(whats that),coywolf barks/ howls, juvenile cottontail, flicker,gobbler distress and house cat distressed. Holy cow! What sounds are for what? I pretty much know the rabbits are for coyotes but what about the other sounds? I've never even heard of some of some them! I'd love to get a bobcat, fox or even a mountain lion to come in. Also the e-caller plays two sounds at once, is there an advantage to playing multiple sounds at once? Also as far the volume, full blast? I would greatly appreciate any advice. Thanks, Paul

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I would play the baby cottontail, distreesed rodent and juve cottontail for fox/bob cats.


The chicken and house cat maybe try near some rural houses?


I am looking at a electronic caller at SW, it is $34 and as the variable loudness. Sine it can not be changed by the remote, I will have to start it out loud and just let it go to town!

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I'm not new to predator hunting but new to predator calling and would really appreciate any help. Have to do something in the off season and what better place to ask for help! I just bought the Prey Master and it came with three sound cartridges which is where I could use some help. Please bear with me here. It came with, baby cottontail, distressed rodent, kid goat distress( what is that) goyote grey fox, desperate conttontail, fawn bleating, pleading chicken(whats that),coywolf barks/ howls, juvenile cottontail, flicker,gobbler distress and house cat distressed. Holy cow! What sounds are for what? I pretty much know the rabbits are for coyotes but what about the other sounds? I've never even heard of some of some them! I'd love to get a bobcat, fox or even a mountain lion to come in. Also the e-caller plays two sounds at once, is there an advantage to playing multiple sounds at once? Also as far the volume, full blast? I would greatly appreciate any advice. Thanks, Paul



I havehad animals come into the following sounds

Distressed rodent, flicker- any predator

Kid Goat distress,- coyote,cat

fawn bleating- deer, coyote,cat

chicken sounds- coyote, cat, fox

house cat distress-coyote,fox,cat

grey fox- fox but anything will also come


This should give you some idea



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Guys thanks for your all your help! I really appreciate it! I'm really looking forward to trying it out. I also bought a couple of scent pads to put some scents on and leave next to the speaker. I even bought a flimsy thin metal rod to tack a tail on to let fly in the wind. I'm gonna try and get out in the next week or so and give it a shot. I'll post an update when I get back. Thanks again for all the help!

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Good luck on your hunt and definitely let us know how it turned out, heck maybe I'll get an e caller! ;)

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mikp35. Check this out http://www.varmintal.com/ahunt.htm#El-Cheapo I think im gunna put one together this weekend. I've had great sucess callin em in. 10 out of 15 or so stands with a mouth call but . :blink: Can never get the sights on em. :blink: I'm gunna bring the rifle now instead of the shotgun. Had one a 10 yards behind me last spring. Just slowly turned my head and WOW he's got me and off he went mach 5.

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Mt. Cat, that is a good idea, I'd definitely like to try that out instead of the mouth calls. I've called in several coyotes using the cottontail and jack in distress and one fox, but I'd really like to call in a cat. Maybe I'll try this out. I like the versatility with all the different calls. ;)

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