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Rage broadheads

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Has anyone killed with Rage broadheads? I think they are an awesome design, but just wanted to see if anyone has seen them performe on flesh.

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Took my first coues buck with a two-blade rage last summer - it did MASSIVE damage and delivered a quick kill. Having previously used spitfires that did not open - I am a BIG fan of Rage blades!

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I have heard a few bad things about the 3 blades, but only good things about the 2 blade! I carried the 2 blades for my pig hunt, but didnt get to let them fly!

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I have harvested 2 Javelina with the 2 blade and my dad harvested his first with a 2 blade. All 3 pigs died within 30 yards and all left great blood trails. I would recomend them for deer and pig but you would need a good amount of KE to blow through an elk with them.


I know GRONG has used them and liked them, hopefully he will chime in with some info

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how do you know they didnt open? was it because when you picked up your arrow, they werent open?

they close back up when your arrow hits something hard when it passes right throught he animal, thats my experience with them!!!





Took my first coues buck with a two-blade rage last summer - it did MASSIVE damage and delivered a quick kill. Having previously used spitfires that did not open - I am a BIG fan of Rage blades!

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The two blades are awesome, I shot a muley with one last year, uphill shot, took out the top of his lungs and the bottom of his spine, dropped in his tracks.

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I haven't personally used them, but have two friends who have. One likes them and killed a bull, but he did have a long, 1 1/2 day track job. The other guy lost a bull and eastern whitetail. Now I can't speak for the shot placement on any of these.

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how do you know they didnt open? was it because when you picked up your arrow, they werent open?

they close back up when your arrow hits something hard when it passes right throught he animal, thats my experience with them!!!





Took my first coues buck with a two-blade rage last summer - it did MASSIVE damage and delivered a quick kill. Having previously used spitfires that did not open - I am a BIG fan of Rage blades!


Hi Ron - I spose re-closure is possible, but the muley I ventilated had a very small exit wound that was closed by a lung bubble, and with a mostly-closed chest cavity the stinker ran a country mile - down hill of course. The coues I whacked lost a fist-size piece of lung that was ejected from his chest at the impact point. The muley in UT was my first and last experience with spits - not to say I gave them much of a chance - just really like how the 2-blade rage works. Glad you've had good luck with the spits!

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how do you know they didnt open? was it because when you picked up your arrow, they werent open?

they close back up when your arrow hits something hard when it passes right throught he animal, thats my experience with them!!!





Took my first coues buck with a two-blade rage last summer - it did MASSIVE damage and delivered a quick kill. Having previously used spitfires that did not open - I am a BIG fan of Rage blades!



+1 Ron! ;)


Spitfires are almost impossible to have a failure with! Everything I have shot with them has died with 1 1/4"-1 1/2" entrances and a 1 1/2" on exit.... Except the one that broke a shoulder into many pieces and did not pass through but the buck expired within 75 yds... :rolleyes:


On the other hand, I will not recommend the Rage based on the failures I have witness with others using them.



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I haven't used the Rage, but I have used the Snyper, which I think is a pretty close design. I would only use them on small game. The pig in this picture was shot at about ten yards. He ran full bore for about twenty yards and then tipped over. Not one spot of blood until I got to the spot where he died. You can see in the pic that it really opens them up. David


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man, with all that blood on him, its hard to believe that he didnt bleed a drop the entier death march! Any theory as to why this is? how were his vitals?

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The heart was split almost in half. You can see in the pic where he must have stopped running and the blood started to flow. I found him by following his tracks. The blood on his side is from laying down. David

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I killed 5 eastern whitetails W/ Rage heads in 07' and I'm sold. The first was a doe on the opener in Illinois, upon impact I could see blood spraying out like a cheap horror flick. The deer went about 40yds into a beanfield before expiring and I could see the swath of blood from the treestand 40-80 yds away (40 yd shot) when I got down I couldn't believe the trail was six feet wide.


I would not use this head for Elk however, the 3- blade seems to limit penetration. To thier credit I was using a light 7.8gpi arrow I am switching to the FMJ arrow to deliver more punch.


My biggest complaint on the Rage is the poor blade retention, The blades will pop open while stalking so make sure they are closed before you shoot.


I had a marginal hit on a large (260 on the hoof) 10-point while he was charging another buck, upon impact my heart sank but I was relieved when he tipped over after only 40yds even full of adrenalin he expired very quickly.


Hope this helps,


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I have always been against mechanical heads until witnessing first hand the Rage on a 170" mule deer and a 370" bull elk which the meat processor said was the biggest body bull he had ever checked. Also in this bull was a Montec broadhead from probably the prior year stuck in his spine. The mule deer went only 100 yds before expiring with an awesome blood trail and the bull expired within site and also had a awesome blood trail both were shoot with the 3 blade. Just my 2 cents

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