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Ever heard of a Mtn Killing a Mtn Lion?

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I got these pics and the email text below from my hunting partner. The email source trail suggests it actually did originate from the person who sent it to him.

I don't know for sure if it is real, but maybe someone that is a photoshop wizard could prove, or disprove it.

Pretty cool if it is real.


"These pics came from a coworkers dad in AZ. Yes the Mule, killed the

mountain lion. The lion had been stalking them for the better part of the

morning, on the way out to a hunt. They were pretty sure it was after a

dog. The cat apparently ambushed them, and the mule pictured tossed its

rider and went into attack(defense) mode, the horses scattered and shots

were fired but no one was sure if they hit the cat or not. Unfortunately,

the battle was decently long, and it wasn't until it was almost over that

one of the guys started snapping pics."






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The way I heard it.


The lion had been shot and was draped over the mule and the mule pulled it of its back and then kicked its butt. There sure is alot of blood on the cat don't you think.

They are real pictures, But of a mule that did not want a dead cat on its back.


This is just the way it was told to me three weeks ago when I got the Email sent to me. I do not know for sure what took place. It goes to show that any thing can take place while hunting in the field.

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Check out them houndogs standin' waaaaaaay back watching that crazy mule go to town on that dead lion.

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The first pic looks like the cat is still alive and fighting, but he's not. Looks to me like small intestine is flinging across its chest.

Fabulous pictures indeed. I heard they may have originated in Oregon. We may never know.


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You know, I think I believe the Version of the story AZ GUIDE suggests. It seems more believable. I showed them to friend who wondered why a mule would be attacking a lion with it's mouth, rather than kicking.


One other observation, The internet is a powerful thing, but in this case the ultimate camoflage for the "true story". Search the email path and pic apart the photos with technology and experienced observations and we still have questions.

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The only way I believe the first story is if it is Lark's mule.

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OK Lark, Tell us what really happened.


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That aint Larks mule, that is Lark in the flesh. He aint never been accused of being good looking for a reason bwaaaahahahahahahahahah :lol: !!!!


He is looking for long horned spikes in unit 1 right now, he will probably be back to retaliate next week sometime.


Bret M.

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Mike, I'd say that those are the reigns your are seeing and not guts. JMO.




Here's a tense picture my dad took back in the 80's. Lion isn't wounded or anything, it just happened to run right back towards Dad and the dog was just an innocent bystandard and got tackled. It all took place in about a second but Dad happened to shoot this pic from the hip and it came out awesome.


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Awesome photo Josh!


Not sure I would call a hounddog that had chased that lion an innocent bystander...but I sure hope the dog was ok. That's some serious excitement in that photo.



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Hey Josh,


Great pic man! Thanks for the post! Maybe the neatest pic this forum has ever seen! Maybe the best pic I've ever seen on a forum anywhere! Thanks!


Looks to me like a couple of them hounds didn't mind gettin' it on! The rest make great bystanders.


I once saw a pic of a man doing the same dance with a lion in Wyoming. Wish I had it to post.

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