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Duwane's Hunter Killed a Monster

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Wow, a whole lot of assumptions and assuming the worst in people in this thread.

We are assuming that the guide, knew the buck was mortally wounded.  Knew where the wounded buck was located.

The guide was still glassing with his Hunter, and a couple random hunters(not the original Hunter who missed) stoped to talk with him.   Does anyone expect him to tell these random hunters where a big buck is located? (Even if he knew)

If the guide knew there was a wounded buck in the area, do you expect him to bail off the hill with his client and help some other random hunters?   “Sorry out of state client, we arent going to look for a buck for you”  How many people were already attempting to track the buck that Saturday? 

If the guide knew where the buck went, why didn’t they kill the buck that day or even the next day?   It took 3 more days to find the buck.   The buck wasn’t even in the same area(it was the same unit) where it was wounded on Saturday.

Did Rod and AZbearhunter spend most of Sunday looking for the buck they wounded?   Did you guys go and speak to the guide and ask him what he saw and if he could point you in the right direction?  

As far as the truck driving around and “road hunting”.   How do you know he even had a client in the truck?   You know most of the time Outfitters aren’t guiding themselves, right?  Perhaps he was checking up on all the guides and clients he had in the unit?   I can’t imagine “road hunting” or anything close to it being a go to move on a desert archery hunt.  Especially for an outfitter and his guides who are known for their glassing expertise.   

Which brings me to the army of glassers.   That Army of one guide and one client.  Those two got it done.  Folks need to stop trying to crap on other peoples accomplishments.   


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On 1/23/2021 at 9:59 AM, yotebuster said:


I shot this buck with a guide.  He had been wounded by another hunter and had a broad head in him when we skinned him.  One of the most exciting hunts of my entire life.  My brother is in the pic and helped walk me in on him.  I’m sitting here drinking coffee and looking at the mount as we speak (I don’t like scotch).  Did I earn it?  Should I throw the mount in the garbage?  I guess I should go ahead and call myself a “wounded trophy deer hunter”.  

Yes, you should! Welcome to the club. We might elect you to the board because that is an excellent "Wounded Trophy Deer". Hope he was nice and incapacitated otherwise we may have to rescind your invitation.

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Awesome buck!!! Saw it on IG back in Jan or Feb. Very impressive.

I think Lance nailed it. You really don't know what you'll do until you're in the situation. Lots of variables. I am happy to see that neither Duane or the guide attempted to get on here and tell their side. FAR better to let people speculate and voice their opinions than get in the middle of it. That NEVER goes well..


As a guide I have never been in that exact position. I have been in the position where other hunters knew we were there watching and that I was guiding a client. Every single time they hurried the stalk and blew the deer out. Maybe that's why this buck was hit bad? I've been in situations where we met up with guys that had wounded animals. If I have a client, I just back out and go somewhere else. It might sound shitty but my hunter isn't paying me to track someone else's deer. If I was alone, I'd help. 

But again... it would depend on the situation. If I watched someone wound a buck, I would watch it and let the hunter know where it went. 3 days later? That buck is going down. 

Antlers should have ZERO to do with it. Big bucks shouldn't change your ethics or moral compass. If big antlers cause you to do something morally questionable, you're hunting for the wrong reasons... guide, client or DIY... doesn't matter. 

These OTC hunts don't bring enough money to pay spotters so I doubt very highly they had a crew out there. I'll bring one spotter along if there's one available. If I'm doing that, its likely someone we're training. Your chances go way up if you have a guide stalking with the hunter. Especially on an archery hunt.

I don't think its wisdom to judge this situation either way unless you were there watching for yourself. Game and fish doesn't provide hunt referees so that'll never happen. If you are in a position to watch, you're on one side or the other. Getting on a hunting forum and judging one way or the other isn't fair to either party involved. 


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