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+1 what an Interesting group of people. I spent about an hour on there site reading some of the stories they have. I can't recall the last time in my life that I have disagreed 100% on something. I try and see both side of an argument before I pick a side and most of the time I can at least see where opposition is coming from but with these people I just don't understand. :blink:


Spending some time on there site wasn’t a complete waste of time. It shed some light on some of the crap that the G&F department goes through by the group and other anti hunting groups. Just something to think about next time I have a complaint or a gripe about the department.


With that being said I would like to thank the Az game and fish department for all there hard work. ;)

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That is just crap!! :angry: I just don't get people like that!! It is far more dangerous to put your kids in a car and drive down the road, than it is to take them hunting! Not to mention that every kid that goes hunting participates in all the "Non-violent outdoor recreation" items he lists plus a variety of educational items, including, biology, conservation, and gun safty... as well as how to feed yourself if alone in the woods.... Which I am certain most inner-city kids can not do! ;)




Was that in Editorials? Maybe a flood of responces published in the paper would show that goofball he is not welcome to post his crap in small town papers! ;)

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This Joe Meile is so dang smart that he can't even publish his website address right.... :rolleyes:


Here is that right link if you all were interested in what this BONEHEAD is all about.




Just copy and paste it... cuz it didn't work as a link....

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i mistook bullwidgeon for a javelina once, but i've never thought anyone looked like a turkey. we're gettin' it from all sides. what paper was this in? the worst thing about this is that now these kinda folks are gonna have an even bigger voice and the kinda crap they spew is gonna be taken as intelligent and main stream. libs can make up whatever kinda stats ya want and blast em out there, the media will print it like it's gospel. but try to make a conservative point and it's deemed blasphemy. Lark.

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I sent them an email, I can't wait for the response.

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i sent this comment to the guy through his web site... These people need help... their numbers are proof how much more dangerous cars are than guns!



I really think that your organization would be much better served to carry the torch for Child/teen Drug addiction, child automobile safty, not letting kids ride bicycles on busy road ways.... etc...etc...etc... I read your article in my local paper and cannot help but shake my head.... In a time when parents spend less time with there children than ever your "committee" attacks one of the few groups in modern America that still spends quallity time with and actually is raising their kids! Your views are twisted and out of touch, you obviously have not walked a mile in the shoes of the people you attack. You have no idea that for most of the families that you attack you are promoting generation robbery! It is not a sport to the large majority of these families.... it is a way of life!!! I would never defame a person who would choose not to hunt, who would choose not to be a conservationist! And yet you and people like you defame me and other like me each and every day. I ask you this in closing.... If not for all the funds put up by sportsmen (and women)in this country who will pay for the conervation efforts and stewardship of our wildlife.... Mother Natures renewable resource???

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This is what I sent.



Can I ask why someone would want to interfere with a human pastime, I spend time with my children doing whatever they want to do, football, cheerleading, I buy them books to read on whatever subjects they might enjoy. What is wrong with families doing family things, do you suppose it is better to spend the day with the kids in the room playing video games or watching TV. I think sports and outdoor activities like hiking, camping, fishing, and hunting are traditions that need to be continued, and we need public lands and wilderness areas for those activities. We see more non game species while hunting then we do the species we are after, we learn survival skills not learned in the city, we learn what nature really is. Hunters are stereotyped as beer drinking automatic weapons toting killers, when hunters spend more time and money to preserve wildlife and habitat than any other groups out there. My children will make their own choices in life just like me, but hopefully they will never be so full of themselves that they will try to dictate how others should live their lives. When one group starts to believe they are superior and their way is the right and only way to live and then force others to follow, that is the time when people need to step back and evaluate your own individualism, freedom, liberty, and the right to respect others as you would like to be respected.


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Gamehauler posted this link up a few weeks ago. I think the author of this article needs to read it!




Guns/hunting are safer than driving, climbing a ladder, swimming, going to the hospital, eating & drinking, and riding a bike.


Some people just don't have a clue!!!!

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I really think that your organization would be much better served to carry the torch for Child/teen Drug addiction, child automobile safty, not letting kids ride bicycles on busy road ways.... etc...etc...etc... I read your article in my local paper and cannot help but shake my head.... In a time when parents spend less time with there children than ever your "committee" attacks one of the few groups in modern America that still spends quallity time with and actually is raising their kids! Your views are twisted and out of touch, you obviously have not walked a mile in the shoes of the people you attack. You have no idea that for most of the families that you attack you are promoting generation robbery! It is not a sport to the large majority of these families.... it is a way of life!!! I would never defame a person who would choose not to hunt, who would choose not to be a conservationist! And yet you and people like you defame me and other like me each and every day. I ask you this in closing.... If not for all the funds put up by sportsmen (and women)in this country who will pay for the conervation efforts and stewardship of our wildlife.... Mother Natures renewable resource???



Couldn’t have said it better myself! ;)

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Guest 300ultramag.

Maybe taking their kids out and showing them how to sabotage a turkey hunt teaches better values then actually hunting gods little tasty creatures.... the good book says that man is superior to all of the animals in the world. ITS NOT LIKE WE GROW THESE ANIMALS LIKE PETS AND CLUB EM. GOD PUT EM HERE TO EAT.. Its gonna take alot more then some panzy behind a keyboard to get me out of the sticks. I wish these douche bags would go spend a year in a 3rd world country and learn that there are bigger problems in this world then Barbwire Bob taking his lil' girl out hunting.




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