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weekend glassing

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spent a few days out in the woods just glassing and videoing some coues bucks and a few smaller bulls. the rut definitely didn't seem to be gitting started yet. We only heard a hand full of bugles and most of them from adolescent bulls. Glassed up a tone of elk though. I just cant wait to see the bigger bulls come in a start whooping up on the lil guys.

Dave, Raul and I also glassed up quite a few couesy bucks. Just hope they make it through till december. the Videos arent that great but hope ya get the Idea. We got poured on both days and it looked like so did the rest of the central part of the state. It made for some nice pictures though.

Good luck to all the archery bull taggers out there.




PS. just for those of you wondering the pics and videos are all taken with a Pentax optio W60 (weatherproof 10mp) camera and swaro 15x56 slc binos on a bogen tripod and the camera hand held. I love this set up and its super easy. most of these videos and pics are of bucks and bulls over a thousand yards.











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