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Salt licks

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Why do they call them Honey Holes ???? Seems like Salt and Corn seems to be what brings em in and keeps em coming back ... Does Honey actually work for deer or maybe that is just bear ... Just wondering


Take away the trail cams... the bait... and cut the number of tags down to more realistic numbers and see what the herds look like in three years ...


Everything those critters need is all ready out there and giving them treats to lure them to your honey hole is almost on the lines of the not so nice Icecream man luring children to his his honey hole ... Don't Think I would call that Hunting



just my 2 cents with a small dose of sarcasm


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This is the first year I have put salt and feed out with a camera and it was a blast! I dont think it makes me a lazy hunter, I was packing 50lbs of feed down a canyon. If they want to take away baiting thats fine with me but until they do it is just a fun experience as an avid hunter. Those pics of deer hitting your feed as awesome!

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"Take away the trail cams... the bait... "


Don't forget ground blinds, compound bows, carbon arrows, high-powered rifles with scopes, range finders, tree stands, binoculars, scent lock clothing... Hey, if you're gonna go anti, may as well go all the way. :lol: ;)

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"Take away the trail cams... the bait... "


Don't forget ground blinds, compound bows, carbon arrows, high-powered rifles with scopes, range finders, tree stands, binoculars, scent lock clothing... Hey, if you're gonna go anti, may as well go all the way. :lol: ;)





Everyone has the right to do or not to do as they wish.

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As bowhunter4life said, all article three rule changes are on hold for now. But, you bet this issue will be back. If we hit the commissioners as hard as we did the first time, (cwt.com members did a great job!) we still could have a chance to beat this issue. Stay tuned.



I agree with you Mark. while reading the responses posted on this I have come to one conclusion. As a group we are fractured. We point fingers and call each other names. I myself never used salt but I am considering it. I don't see how creating a salt lick is any different that sitting on the edge of a corn or clover field or water hole waiting for the deer to come in. I recently saw a dvd by Duane Adams on hunting the Kiabab and he discusses making a mineral bed. I am on this site and several others along with hundreds of other hunters like you. I don't always agree with what is said but if it is legal then we have a right as hunters to use any tool we can to help us be successful. If we don't want a change then we shouldn't just not talk about in hopes the commission will forget it. We need to come together as a group sign petitions contact our representatives and fight for our rights as hunters.

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Why do they call them Honey Holes ???? Seems like Salt and Corn seems to be what brings em in and keeps em coming back ... Does Honey actually work for deer or maybe that is just bear ... Just wondering


Take away the trail cams... the bait... and cut the number of tags down to more realistic numbers and see what the herds look like in three years ...


Everything those critters need is all ready out there and giving them treats to lure them to your honey hole is almost on the lines of the not so nice Icecream man luring children to his his honey hole ... Don't Think I would call that Hunting



just my 2 cents with a small dose of sarcasm


"cheating, salt, ice cream and pediphiles"? WOW! Makings of a soap opera or reality show if'n ya ask me! We should all be thankful we still are allowed to voice an opinion...for now!


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I did say in my post that it had sarcasm, but I guess often that goes over some heads... I have no issue with you or anyone using Bait or Cams but trying to compare the use of Bait to the advancements in weapons such as bows and rifles and scopes is beyond ridiculous... The weapons used to Take game do not Lure them in ... They do not Modify the animals normal behaivors based on an outside influence to try to increase your odds by putting out a buffet table for them to come to every couple days... And if it is no big deal why do so many on this site and in general have an issue with the Huge High fenced Ranch Hunts ... Why does a 50+ Square mile ranch gain the stigma of less than hunting because they modify the animals behaivors to feed from troughs and water from specific sources ??? A deer with a home Range of 1-2 miles will almost never be effected by a fence that is 10 miles away and knowing that setting up your buffet tables in the middle of a herds Home range now becomes no diffrent ... Were DO we Draw the line .... I draw the Line at FAIR CHASE .... I will not hunt a high fenced ranch ... I will not use bait ... ANd if I ever chose to use a camera it would be used in a short span and without attractants to just give insight on what the deers NORMAL BEHAVIORS are at that time ... So don't Get Confused and Don't be So quick to Assume that someone who feels that FAIR CHASE is the purest form of hunting is ANTI.... If you choose to set up a buffet and sit up and shoot a deer at the dinner table you set then good for you... I have no problem with that ... but I feel it is very hard to compare it to a fair chase scenerio where you on the deers terms without influencing the most fundemental senses they have of eating ....






Just because something is legal does not make it the most ethical ...

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Guest 300ultramag.

kids, kids, kids


as casey would say u all need some humble pie...

thou shall not covet or pass judgement..


dont worry about what other people are doing.. nothing is a slam dunk... 3k binos or $7 dollar feed


you guys need to give this debate up... even I know better

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you guys need to give this debate up... even I know better


You and I both know that will never happen.


Just too many big ego's. ;)

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:( and hence the reason for my previous post,

I knew exactly where this would head

just as it has every time it comes up.

The search feature is your friend and

you can find the answer to just about every question

as it has come up before.

Please post questions but you may want to search first

and be more enlightened when you do ask questions.

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To be completely honest with you I think bating (salt licks) is cheating. So I hope AZGFD does something about it. Ill bet half the people on the wed site would have a lot of un filled tags in their top drawer if they actually had to hunt. That’s just my opinion though.


Several years ago, I spent a lot of time ballistically mapping my 300 win mag out to 1000 yards. Opening day I glassed up a small carp at 765 yards. I dialed my turrets according to my chart and dropped him on the first shot. (no wind)


Somebody please tell me, was that HUNTING or was that CHEATING?


Please tell me, I gots to know!



Why is shooting a lion treed by dogs considered "fair chase"? Maybe because lions eat "your" deer?



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